My favorite work is The Full Monty because I got an Oscar for it. But it was really hard work at the time. Sometimes comedy is not a bundle of laughs to actually do. Anne Dudley bundlecomedyfavorite Change image and share on social
Without Police Woman I wouldn't have had a career. The show started about the same time the women's movement was taking off. Ours was the first prime-time one-hour show featuring a strong, professional woman. It paved the way for other series to follow. Angie Dickinson careerfeaturefollow share on social
I would recommend the short story form, which is a lot harder to write since you have to be so careful with words, until there is plenty of time to doodle through a novel. Anne McCaffrey carefuldoodleform Change image and share on social
When you're away for a long time, tastes change, fans move on. You hate to think about it, but it's an ugly fact of life. Anita Baker changefactfan Change image and share on social
Someone once told me that every minute a murder occurs, so I don't want to waste your time, I know you want to go back to work. Alfred Hitchcock backminutemurder Change image and share on social
When I began singing, it was the first time I was happy in my life. As a baby, I would stop crying when I heard a great singer. Andrea Bocelli babybegincry Change image and share on social
Novels are pirated all the time, but it's hard to imagine that you're at work and you open up the attachment that your brother sent you and it's the new Phillip Roth novel. Adam Mansbach attachmentbrotherhard Change image and share on social
My dad was a big car guy. If you wanted to spend time with my dad, he was working on the car. Adam Ferrara bigcardad Change image and share on social
Basketball talent is basketball talent, no matter if it comes from the suburbs or the city. Take the time to know and understand me before you judge me. Only God can do that. Roses do grow from concrete! Chris Webber basketballcityconcrete share on social
It's true that I am not from the south and I have a certain reserve. I take time to get close to, and I don't immediately throw my arms round someone. But it is more a question of style. Bernard Arnault armcloseimmediately Change image and share on social