Once you become an Olympic champion, you are expected to win all the time. Nadia Comaneci championexpectolympic Change image and share on social
I sketch literally all the time; constructing a collection is like building a family - you have to have a certain balance. I isolate myself - I need to be concentrated for this so I leave Paris, I leave to a place without a phone. Christian Louboutin balancebuildcollection share on social
There used to be a candy called 'Bonkers,' which I believe to be the greatest candy of all time. Ryan Gosling bonkercallcandy Change image and share on social
When I hear that I realize how quickly time passes and how everybody goes on their journeys and they're always unbelievable and they never go where you think they're going to take you and, quite frankly, it also makes me feel a little old. Rob Lowe feelfranklyhear share on social
Your mind simply can't focus forward and downward all at the same time. Daryn Kagan downwardfocusforward Change image and share on social
That no-hitter stuff was a long time ago; I don't think that has anything to do with it. I'm just going through a tough time. Johan Santana agohitterlong Change image and share on social
I didn't want to go on the DL. I want to keep pitching and competing. They decided it's better for me to take some time off and that's what we're going to do. Johan Santana competedecidepitch Change image and share on social
Like some kind of particularly tenacious vampire the short story refuses to die, and seems at this point in time to be a wonderful length for our generation. Neil Gaiman diegenerationkind Change image and share on social
Let the machine take care of the machines, and I'll go spend more time with my family, or golf. Mark Goddard carefamilygolf Change image and share on social
Time is everything; five minutes make the difference between victory and defeat. Horatio Nelson defeatdifferencemake Change image and share on social