Humans have changed little over time. We think we've invented the modern world but they were making better speeches 2,000 years ago and grappling with issues of empire and terrorism. Robert Harris 000agochange Change image and share on social
I don't think, as a journalist, I'd ever get a story written. I'd probably spend five years researching it, and by the time I'd finish it, no one would be interested in it anymore. Katherine Kelly anymorefinishinterest Change image and share on social
At midlife, I think a woman has more in common with her teenage children than anybody else. We all are kind of uncertain. We realize for the first time in either our lives or decades that we're in charge now. Jane Pauley chargechildcommon share on social
The way we live is changing. Each year, our free time shrinks a little more as computers clamor for an increasing percentage of our attention. Ruth Reichl attentionchangeclamor Change image and share on social
And I find - I'm 63, and my capacity to be by myself and just spend time by myself hasn't diminished any. That's the necessary part of being a writer, you better like being alone. John Irving capacitydiminishfind Change image and share on social
The majority of the time I'm at home with my family, I play football three times a week. Martin Gore familyfootballhome Change image and share on social
I'm just a guy who happens to work in public from time to time. I've built a reputation as an established comic, not as a celebrity - a celebrity is someone who is famous but doesn't do anything. Dylan Moran buildcelebritycomic Change image and share on social
I've never been Romeo who meets a girl and falls for her immediately. It's been a much slower process for me each time I've gone into a relationship. Leonardo DiCaprio fallgirlhave Change image and share on social
I find it almost comforting to count calories, because it makes me conscious of what I'm eating. But on Super Bowl Sunday, I thought, 'Surrender to it. It's nacho time.' Then I ate nothing but Doritos all day. Kristen Bell bowlcaloriecomfort share on social
People who need therapy are in Afghanistan. They've seen horrible human cruelty and degradation, but they don't have time or the money for therapy. David Chase afghanistancrueltydegradation Change image and share on social