Not to be weirdly glib, but as a reporter, you should be honest all the time. Sarah Koenig glibhonestreporter Change image and share on social
I just want to play strong characters, whatever that is in. For me, television is where it's at. You get to play a character for a long period of time, and you get to dig deep. It's a home to go to. Paula Malcomson characterdeepdig Change image and share on social
I hear people all the time say, well I read through the Bible last year. Well, so what? I'm all for reading through the Bible. But how much of that got on the inside, or did they just cover three more chapters today? I would never discredit reading the Scriptures, but it is important to meditate on it. Charles Stanley biblechaptercover share on social
When you were a kid, a day was a long time and a year was a long time. Aaron Neville daykidlong Change image and share on social
After a point of time, when you get success and fame, money and everything, the purpose of life has to be redefined. For me, I think that purpose is to build bridges. Artists can do that very easily, more than politicians. A. R. Rahman artistbridgebuild share on social
I grew up on Bach and Beethoven, and now I'm listening to more modern composers who I can't even name. But since I'm constantly doing music, it's difficult to have that quality time to listen to music and do classical stuff. A. R. Rahman bachbeethovenclassical share on social
I'm a performer. I've just been one since I was a little girl. I used to pretend all the time. Jamie Lee Curtis girlhaveperformer Change image and share on social
Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about. Gerard Way bandcoolfavorite share on social
I left home at 17, traveled. I got married when I was 21. That's a young age. As it turned out, things were fine, then not so fine, and then it was a blunder. That happens all the time. Fred Couples ageblunderfine Change image and share on social
Emily Dickinson seems rather tame because she pretty much uses the same meter every time. It's called 'common meter.' It's a line of four beats that's followed by a line of three beats. Billy Collins beatcallcommon Change image and share on social