When a man is trying to sell you something, don't imagine that he is polite all the time. E. W. Howe imaginemanpolite Change image and share on social
I've never had a writer's block, but still I think: 'Is it going to happen this time?' You never know what you're going to get; you just put your fingers on the keys and hope. Elton John blockfingerhappen Change image and share on social
The one negative to horror is that it's always law of diminishing returns. When you go in the funhouse, the ride is never scary the second time. You will never have that pure experience as when you first watch it. Eli Roth diminishexperiencefunhouse share on social
Every time I'm shooting a movie I want to kill myself. Because I don't see the light in the end of the tunnel. Emir Kusturica endkilllight Change image and share on social
'Middle class' used to be synonymous with secure, with steady, with boring, because middle-class people were people who were pretty much safe from the time they first started work on through retirement and until their deaths. No longer. Elizabeth Warren boreclassdeath share on social
I think a lot of the time in films, men get roles where they create their own destiny and women are just tools, supporters for that. Ellen Page createdestinyfilm Change image and share on social
During my time, there might have been one pitcher or two that were top pitchers on a team. Teams that won maybe had three, but today they have a lot of depth. They have a lot of long relievers, short relievers, and the strategy is different. Ernie Banks depthlonglot share on social
And, granted, for a long time, the European has been dominant in certain parts of this Western Hemisphere, but by the end of the 21st century, it's over. Edward James Olmos 21stcenturydominant Change image and share on social
We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time. Ernest Istook exaggeratefortyhuman share on social
We spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognize, but which no longer exists. Eddie Obeng existlongrationally Change image and share on social