I want to spend as much time as possible with my children, so I always like to keep my beauty and fashion routines effortless... but still chic! Liya Kebede beautychicchild Change image and share on social
Poetry, for me, is the answer to, 'How does one stay sane when private lives are being ransacked by public events?' It's something that hangs over your head all the time. Lisel Mueller answereventhang Change image and share on social
This is such a different time, and we are such a different-sized magazine. And yes, today the average reader is older, but we have a wide span of ages. You can enter 'Allure' as a 14-year-old and read about acne, and then in your 60s you can read about face lifts and injections and everything in between. Linda Wells 60sacneage share on social
Playing with different genres and perspectives and ways of telling stories is one of the perks of being a novelist, but at the same time, I want precision. And in order to be precise about stuff, you have to get personal. Symbolism is very boring. Linn Ullmann boregenrenovelist share on social
All three of my kids play soccer. Each one of them started from the time they were about 5 or 6, and we just love it. Lisa Vidal kidloveplay Change image and share on social
I get up around 8 o'clock, which gives me enough time to walk dogs and feed chickens and horses. Then I get to work in my home office upstairs, and basically, I don't stop until I've written 2,000 words and/or the Stephen Colbert show is over. Lisa Scottoline 000basicallychicken share on social
I think people are always nostalgic for a time about 20 years before they were born. Lisa Loeb bearnostalgicpeople Change image and share on social
To start your working life after you've graduated from school and university, it takes you a long time to get started in the real world. Today, kids are not out into the workforce until 27 or 30 years of age. By the time I was 30, I had six kids and 60 trucks. Lindsay Fox agegraduatehave share on social
Hale had answered when the President of the United States can't go to a city of the United States and be protected, we've come to a very difficult time in our nation's history, and encouraged him to come. Lindy Boggs answercitydifficult share on social
Each time that you're playing a character, it's hard to pick a favorite. Lindsey Shaw characterfavoritehard Change image and share on social