I'm just beginning to direct. For all intents and purposes, this is the first time for me. Mark Harmon begindirectintent Change image and share on social
I don't have regret about things I've done that are successful or not successful or what people perceive or don't know or whatever. I just know for me it had to be the right choice at the time. Sometimes that choice is just about getting a job. Mark Harmon choicehavejob share on social
The musicians recommend that I sing a sing the way it is written the first time and then start to look for other notes that aren't in the melody. Margaret Whiting melodymusiciannote Change image and share on social
There's so much excellent new music around that I can't afford to buy it all and I haven't the time to review as much as I'd like. I can't remember a better time to be a musician or to listen to music! Malcolm Wilson affordbuyexcellent share on social
Readers who claim a preference for short-form over long often tell me it's because they don't have time to commit to a book-length chunk of writing. Lynn Coady bookchunkclaim Change image and share on social
Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. Lyndon B. Johnson journeymilepeace Change image and share on social
I want people to have a good time. It's boring only to hear singer/songwriters spilling their guts. Lykke Li boregoodgut Change image and share on social
If you're being ignored, that's a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery. Lykke Li concentratecreatefind Change image and share on social
Driving, for me, means power and freedom. The feeling that I can go anywhere I want at any time is exhilarating. Lykke Li driveexhilaratefelt Change image and share on social
I'm just not interested in getting judged or getting people to love me. Being seen and taking my photo and having to follow this schedule all the time, I don't enjoy it. Lykke Li enjoyfollowinterest Change image and share on social