For some reason, people with comedy, any time they can detect a pattern, it kind of freaks them out. 'Those guys are always together!' Yeah, they're a comedy team. Anything they can recognize as a pattern they think is a hole. Adam McKay comedydetectfreak share on social
And I gave this directive to them, that if they free our assets in the United States, that would be a sign of goodwill. I have the same idea this time. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani assetdirectivefree Change image and share on social
We all have our family issues from time to time. Aja Naomi King familyissuetime Change image and share on social
I will never repeat something verbatim on the air unless I know it's accurate. And when you go to the source, sometimes there's a better story beyond the original story. That happens all the time. Al Michaels accurateairoriginal Change image and share on social
Just as we were finishing 'Paul's Boutique' we got our own places, and I was going out to clubs a lot less. I got a bit more introverted and spent a lot more time on my own reading. I would just go down to the esoteric bookstore and wander around. Adam Yauch bitebookstoreboutique share on social
It is my fondest wish that in the fullness of time, the American people will look back on the Franken presidency as something of a mixed bag and not as a complete disaster. Al Franken americanbackbag Change image and share on social
Gojira is my favorite band of all time; they're lovely, I've seen them live two times. I also love Mastodon and the Refused as well. Aurora bandfavoritegojira Change image and share on social
You know you're a hopeless record nerd when your time travel fantasies always come around to how cool it would be to go back to 1973 and buy all the great funk and jazz and salsa records that came out that year on tiny obscure labels and are now really rare and expensive. Adam Mansbach backbuycool share on social
Steve Jobs is the most epic entrepreneur of all time. He served as a guiding light for any emerging businessperson who wanted to learn how things should get done. He'll be looked at as one of the best business leaders of all time, and certainly one of the best tech entrepreneurs. Aaron Levie businessbusinesspersonemerge share on social
Romeo Must Die came at the right time. It was the right vehicle for me. Aaliyah dieromeotime Change image and share on social