I was born and raised in Zambia in 1969. At the time of my birth, blacks were not issued birth certificates, and that law only changed in 1973. Dambisa Moyo bearbirthblack Change image and share on social
By the time I was a teenager, my desire to be daring and taste everything got me in trouble. Too often, I was in the company of kids my parents would call 'wild.' Marlee Matlin callcompanydare Change image and share on social
About half my time is spent on business operation type stuff. Mark Zuckerberg businesshalfoperation Change image and share on social
I'm like a Depression-era person as far as acting goes. It's sort of like, grab it while you can and make the most of what's in front of you. The first 'Avengers' opened up a host of things that I've been struggling to get made for a long period of time. Mark Ruffalo actavengerdepression share on social
The great thing about being the son of Maya Angelou is that I had the good fortune to grow up around some of the greatest black artists, dancers, singers, musicians, and actors of our time. Guy Johnson actorangelouartist Change image and share on social
My dad had a stroke. It's one of those life-changing events. It was right around the time I was turning 40. We were doing 'L.A. Law,' and I got this call that my dad was in Rome and had had a stroke. I want to stress that it wasn't a huge stroke, but it was enough to provide a serious wake-up call. Corbin Bernsen callchangedad share on social
Television shows, especially hour-longs, are hard, tiring work. Those people are very tired and very rich. But they're working really hard, and to create the illusion of having the time of your life like that, you really got to give it up to the people who do it. Craig Bierko creategivehard share on social
After watching 'Peepshow,' people always say to me that it was more than what they expected. It is so much more than a musical. It has a lot of energy and is fast-paced. You are entertained the whole time watching it. One guy from Germany watched 'Peepshow' every single day for the whole week he was in Vegas. Coco Austin dayenergyentertain share on social
Because I've been a full professor doing research and lecturing at the University of California, I didn't have a lot of time to write, so I have always used my unconscious a great deal to do the really heavy lifting. Gregory Benford californiadealfull share on social
I was born with my moustache and, no, I've never been tempted to shave it off. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about my face and, like Gilbert and Sullivan's Katisha, my best feature is my left shoulder-blade. Robert Winston bearbladeface share on social