My wife who is non-Jewish regrets it all the time that I can say these terrible things about fellow Jews and she can't. Joseph Epstein fellowjewjewish Change image and share on social
I know publishing now more as an author than with occasional peaks inside those elite offices than as an industry insider. It was difficult publishing a novel the first time around, while working behind the scenes, knowing all that has to happen to make a book a success and to still make the leap as an author. Jennifer Gilmore authorbookdifficult share on social
There'd never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the fifth largest industry in the United States - alcohol production - and just handed it to criminals - a pretty remarkable thing to do. Bill Bryson advantageousalcoholamerica share on social
Leaving England was a painful decision, and we still have some regrets about it. However, at that time, the research environment for theoretical chemistry was clearly better in the U.S. John Pople chemistrydecisionengland Change image and share on social
Suffering is a kind of ecstasy in a way. Having pain all the time makes me terribly, terribly grateful for every moment I've got. John Tavener ecstasygratefulhave Change image and share on social
Every time there is a recession, consumers will typically be more cautious, more conservative, take more time, and make more serious price-performance trade-offs. John Quelch cautiousconservativeconsumer Change image and share on social
John's time and effort were, in the main, spent on pretty honorable stuff. As for the other side, well, nobody's perfect, nobody's Jesus. And look what they did to him. Paul McCartney efforthonorablejesus Change image and share on social
Trying to pick individual stocks is a trap. I can't do it. Warren Buffett can, but hardly anyone else can beat the indexes over a long period of time. Ben Stein beatbuffettindex Change image and share on social
For me it's important to be in balance. To not let fear get in the way of things, to not worry so much about protecting yourself all the time. John Frusciante balancefearimportant Change image and share on social
When I was pregnant, I had the romantic idea that after the baby was born I would not only take up reading in earnest again, but also write a novel while my daughter slept in her Moses basket. Of course, I barely had time to keep up with my magazines until she started sleeping properly. Kate Beckinsale babybarelybasket share on social