There's very few things that tear me up and get me, but kids, especially terminally ill kids or kids with diseases... gets me every time. Tyler Farr diseaseillkid Change image and share on social
There's nothing wrong with procrastination. Or is there? I'll leave it to you to decide, but only if you have the time. Craig Brown decideleaveprocrastination Change image and share on social
I'm still asked a great deal about 'The Wicker Man' because it's become one of the great cult movies of all time. That's the story of my career, really, making cult movies. And I've always said it's the best film I've ever made. Christopher Lee askcareercult share on social
I almost became a political journalist, having worked as a reporter at the time of Watergate. The proximity to those events motivated me, when I wound up doing philosophy, to try to use it to move the public debate. Michael Sandel debateeventjournalist share on social
I like finding a great shot and then just staying with it for a long time, not trying to pump things up with some kind of artificial energy by cutting. Jonathan Demme artificialcutenergy Change image and share on social
I will waste an extraordinary amount of time, you know. And if it's not watching television, I'll be sitting staring out of the window. And yes, I know there's the idea of the artist, sitting there doing nothing while things are going on, but actually, no. It's vacant space. I'm thinking about the laundry. Glen Duncan amountartistextraordinary share on social
We all pulled together at the right time, unfortunately, we were down 3-0 to the Yankees when we decided to do it, but we did it. And we shocked the world. Johnny Damon decidepullshock Change image and share on social
I can't remember the last time I was bored. Carolyn Murphy boreremembertime Change image and share on social
I like my home to be somewhere where my friends can feel like they can put their feet up on the couch and for it to feel like really easy living. I really love to have my friends over, cook dinner for them, catch up, and spend quality time with quality people in my life. Stacy Keibler catchcookcouch share on social
When I was writing the Destiny's Child songs, it was a big thing to be that young and taking control. And the label at the time didn't know that we were going to be that successful, so they gave us all control. And I got used to it. Beyonce Knowles bigchildcontrol share on social