You need, as a historian, essential triangulation from your subject and the only way you get that triangulation is through time. Ken Burns essentialhistoriansubject Change image and share on social
I adored my birth father and constantly worried that I was being disloyal to him and his schoolteacher roots if I spent too much time performing and enjoying it. Julie Andrews adorebirthconstantly Change image and share on social
My wife has joked that if anything ever happened to me, she'd gladly live out her life without anyone else around. I think it bugs her I'm home all the time; such is the life cycle of the cartoonist, however. Chris Ware bugcartoonistcycle share on social
By the time I finished the first series, 'Marvel Universe vs. Punisher,' I knew that there was a lot more story to tell. Jonathan Maberry finishknowlot Change image and share on social
When I was in middle school, the librarian there was secretary for a couple of groups of professional writers. She introduced me to Ray Bradbury and Richard Matheson, and I became very friendly with them over a period of two years. Both of them were very generous with their time, guidance and advice. Jonathan Maberry advicebradburycouple share on social
What you discover when you look at creativity from the perspective of the brain is that it is universal. We're all creative all of the time, we can't help but be creative. Jonah Lehrer braincreativecreativity Change image and share on social
I spend a lot of my time trying to draw the attention of actors to the minute and subtle details of human behavior, which was the sort of thing I was looking at when I was a neurologist. Jonathan Miller actorattentionbehavior Change image and share on social
I get suggestions all the time. People feel quite free at events or even on the street to tell me what they think I should be writing. What I've learned, though, is that this thing, this connection, has to be in place for me to be able to kind of launch into a world imaginatively. Paula McLain connectioneventfeel share on social
The format of the race weekend is also very well thought out. We have enough practice time to get the cars well set-up and have a proper qualifying session where we can do as many laps as we like, which is great for the drivers and spectators. Nigel Mansell cardriverformat share on social
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. John Lithgow bugsneaktime Change image and share on social