There's still time for redemption if I live long enough, don't you think? Kitty Kelley livelongredemption Change image and share on social
I used to build my own PCs... and actually had one of the first water-cooled, overclocked PCs around. I ran it at over 4Ghz, and this was back in 2001... but alas, I do not have the time for that fun anymore. Brian Krzanich 4ghzalaanymore share on social
Running is my time for myself. I'm like, 'I'm going for a run!' and my husband knows I'm out of there. Laila Ali husbandruntime Change image and share on social
I've enjoyed doing Wolf Blitzer's program, and I even enjoyed having a heated debate with Bill O'Reilly. I will do it any time. Bianca Jagger billblitzerdebate Change image and share on social
I saw women's boxing on television for the first time when I was 18, and that's when I wanted to do it. So, it didn't come from me watching my father. I didn't know the sport existed; therefore, I wasn't really interested in it until I saw it. Laila Ali boxexistfather share on social
I like to spend time with my family. The majority of my time is spent in London, but I do like to escape and spend time with them in my hometown of Brighton on the south coast. Katie Price brightoncoastescape Change image and share on social
I'm definitely a serial entrepreneur and a serial snacker. And when it comes to snacks, I'm more of a salty snacker, though I've been known to have a craving for sweets from time to time. Keith Belling craveentrepreneurhave Change image and share on social
Doing voice-over work is something that I love to do, and it is a lot of fun at the same time. T-Pain funlotlove Change image and share on social
I expect that in 40 years' time I'll be writing political tomes and working for an organisation like Oxfam. Toby Young expectorganisationoxfam Change image and share on social
For almost a year, I sporadically made these rather lame video blogs in my dorm. These video blogs were reflective of most video blogs during that time in that they had no real structure and were kind of just all over the place. Ray William Johnson blogdormkind share on social