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The first thing I always look at on - The first thing I read was of my
The first thing I remember when I moved - The first thing to recognize not just about
The first thing we become convinced of is - The first time I did stand-up was
The first time I did stand-up was - The first time I met Michael, we saw
The first time I met Patti Smith was - The first time I was in his office
The first time I was in London, I - The first time you win, nobody picks you;
The first treasure California began to surrender after - The first writers are first and the rest,
The first writing I did was short short - The flesh and bone leg is just beautiful.
The flesh endures the storms of the present - The focus on my wife and my children,
The focus should not be on talking. Talk - The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing
The foolish man conceives the idea of 'self.' - The former ruling class kept the community of
The forms of art are inexhaustible; but all - The Founding Fathers in their wisdom decided that
The Founding Fathers' instructions were clear: The right - The framework of men's wear is so
The framework of the election favors Donald Trump - The freedom to express yourself without fear - that
The freedom to fail is vital if you're - The French want no-one to be their
The French were generous in giving us assistance - The Fuhrer alone is the present and future
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in March 2011 - The function of the novel is the exploration
The function of the novelist... is to comment - The fundamental vision hasn't changed. What does
The fundamental weakness in the Tea Party machine - The funny thing is, I'm not really
The funny thing is, I'm so used - The future ain't what it used to
The future and eternity are two entirely different - The future is something which everyone reaches at
The future is the worst thing about the - The future will be less predictable, forecast rises
The future will be the child of the - The game itself, I think, plays into the
The game of baseball is better when the - The gateways to wisdom and learning are always
The gaunt, unhealthy vegan is the muffin vegan. - The general view is that actors start on
The general who advances without coveting fame and - The genre of fantasy is about magic and
The genre of narrative business books that I - The Giants are usually described as rag tag,
The Giants were supposed to have a new - 'The Glades' is a light cop procedural about
The glamour of air travel - its aspirational meaning - The Gnostics were rapidly driven out of business
The Go-Go's were like my first - The goal of almost every comic is to
The goal of art was the vital expression - The goal with a big piece of social
The goal with 'Alpha' was to run towards - The Golden Eagle, which has universally been considered
The Golden Girls certainly proved that there was - The good life consists in deriving happiness by
The good life is a process, not a - The good old days, when each idea had
The 'good old times' - all times when - The good thing is that I'm always
The good thing is that life is sometimes - The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news, - The government has become a mechanism for distributing
The government has been repairing Poland's image - The government paid the family of Richard Nixon
The government plans to bring in a new - The gracious, eternal God permits the spirit to
The gradual decline of a society is often - The gray has gone away. I am living
The great accomplishments of man have resulted from - The great classics that, as a professional you
'The Great Comic Book Artists' is about three - 'The Great Gatsby' is a book I have
'The Great Gatsby' ticked so many boxes for - The great musicians are those who can reach
The great mystery is why robots come off - The great secret is that an orchestra can
The great secret of a successful marriage is - The great thing about being an actor is
The great thing about being the son of - The great thing about musicals is that they
The great thing about my two lives is - The great thing about working with NPR - and,
The great thing about writing compared to life - The greater part of critics are parasites, who,
The greater part of humanity is too much - The greatest concubines in history knew that everything
The greatest conflicts are not between two people - The greatest gift is the ability to forget
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