How shall I lose the sin, yet keep the sense, and love the offender, yet detest the offence? Alexander Pope detestloselove Change image and share on social
Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not. James Joyce dunghilllovemother Change image and share on social
I love my past, I love my present. I am not ashamed of what I have had, and I am not sad because I no longer have it. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette ashamedlonglove Change image and share on social
In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Andre Maurois astonishchooseliterature Change image and share on social
People love as self-recognition what they hate as an accusation. Elias Canetti accusationhatelove Change image and share on social
Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops, like the universe itself, only by perpetual discovery. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin adventureconquestdevelop Change image and share on social
May my soul bloom in love for all existence. Rudolf Steiner bloomexistencelove Change image and share on social
Love matches, so called, have illusion for their father and need for their mother. Friedrich Nietzsche callfatherillusion Change image and share on social
If you say, I love you, then you have already fallen in love with language, which is already a form of break up and infidelity. Jean Baudrillard breakfallform Change image and share on social