I have certainly had my share of long-distance love affairs. Drew Barrymore affairdistancelong Change image and share on social
Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. Carl Jung lacklovepower Change image and share on social
I love Christmas. Christmas is family time. Brody Jenner christmasfamilylove Change image and share on social
I am big in Japan... heightwise! But, yeah, I started modeling there in my teens and into my 20s. I did Calvin Klein, Uniqlo, and lots of magazine covers. It's such a beautiful country, and they have beer vending machines right on the street. Love that! Julia Voth 20sbeautifulbeer share on social
Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. Bill Cosby fatherhoodlovepresent Change image and share on social
Jon Stewart kills me. I love him. And Bill Maher. He does an hour on HBO. But entirely political. It is awfully rough, but he does make me laugh. Dick Van Dyke billhbohour Change image and share on social
My new favourite smell is new baby smell. It makes me so happy. If someone could bottle that, I'd love to have it. Jane Krakowski babybottlefavourite Change image and share on social
The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes. Thomas Beecham absolutelyenglishlove Change image and share on social
The most important American love poet in living memory, and certainly one of the most important American poets tout court, Robert Creeley was born in 1926 and raised in eastern Massachusetts. Susan Stewart americanbearcourt Change image and share on social
I don't think it's a secret that New York tastemakers don't love my work. Stephen Schwartz lovesecrettastemakers Change image and share on social