The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us. Michel Foucault adversarybehaviordesire share on social
I believe in love, but I don't sit around waiting for it. I buy houses. Renee Zellweger buyhouselove Change image and share on social
We're always looking at this love through the eyes of the person who is suffering because of this love. Krzysztof Kieslowski eyeloveperson Change image and share on social
We just couldn't seem to get the love from the Nashville awards shows... So Grammys really gave us validation, and so that's why they're such a big deal for us. Zac Brown awardbigdeal Change image and share on social
I love foot rubs, too. I'll take one whenever I can. Torrie Wilson footloverub Change image and share on social
I feel so at home on the stage, and I love making people happy with my music. Whatever I have to go through to make that happen and get that sunshine is worth it. Hiromi Uehara feelhappenhappy Change image and share on social
I feel my dad, I still feel his love, and I still love him. I would do anything to have him back, but half the reason that my life is good, has real, true value, is that he died. I would obviously rather have him alive, but he gave me so much in his death. Gwyneth Paltrow alivebackdad share on social
In films people basically work for the camera, you know, and that's why actors can hate each other and not be speaking to each other and still look as if they're in love because really they're loving the camera loving them. Francesca Annis actorbasicallycamera share on social
On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare. Scott Turow deathloveshakespeare Change image and share on social