Jesus had a universal concern for those who suffered that transcended the rules of the ancient world.
‐‐ John Ortberg
Jesus himself talked about prayer and meditation. Anything that brings you closer to the Lord, what's wrong with that?
‐‐ Dennis Quaid
Jesus is a divine guest inside of you all the time - one who loves, understands, sees and hears you. He wants to live in oneness with you... to be the centerpiece of everything you do.
‐‐ Joyce Meyer
Jesus is a half-naked guy, hanging, nailed to a cross, and then people wear that around their neck, and then those are the people that are upset about violence in movies.
‐‐ Marilyn Manson
Jesus is a personal symbol of the Holy Spirit. Having been totally healed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus became one with him. Every thought, action, and deed of Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit instead of ego.
‐‐ Marianne Williamson
Jesus is absolutely at the centre of Western civilisation and part of my fascination with him is, why? What is it about this particular man and his story?
‐‐ Simon Callow
Jesus is an example. We have other examples, including many of our ancestors as role models who understood the inner meaning of our orientation.
‐‐ Malcolm Boyd
Jesus is coming back for a church without a spot or a wrinkle. His righteous blood covers the spots and the wrinkles of those who believe unto righteousness, allowing once sinful men to be holy.
‐‐ Monica Johnson
Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians - you are not like him.
‐‐ Mahatma Gandhi
Jesus is just a word I use to swear with.
‐‐ Richard Harris
Jesus is much more concerned about shaking your foundations, giving you an utterly alternative self image, world image, and God image, and thus reframing your entire reality. Mere inspiration can never do this.
‐‐ Richard Rohr
Jesus is not only the Son of God, but He is God Himself. Having all power in His hands, He laid down His life for people who deserved God's justice, not His mercy.
‐‐ Monica Johnson
Jesus is not the man at the top of the stairs; He is the man at the bottom, the friend of sinners, the savior of those in need of one. Which is all of us, all of the time.
‐‐ Tullian Tchividjian
Jesus is still up in Heaven, thumbing through his Bible, going 'Where did I say build a water slide?'
‐‐ Sam Kinison
Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair.
‐‐ Blaise Pascal
Jesus is the inspiration for anyone to go the distance.
‐‐ Sylvester Stallone
Jesus is the only Savior, but not everybody who is saved by Him is aware that He is the one who is doing the saving.
‐‐ Tony Campolo
Jesus is the only way because the Bible says it to be true. Why? Because only He can bridge the gap between God and man; there's no other way.
‐‐ Norman Geisler
Jesus is the politics of the new age; He is about the establishment of a kingdom; He is the one who has created a new time that gives us the time not only to care for the poor but to be poor. Jesus is the one who makes it possible to be nonviolent in a violent world.
‐‐ Stanley Hauerwas
Jesus is the very concrete truth revealing and standing in for the universal truth.
‐‐ Richard Rohr
Jesus is who saved me. He's what keeps me full and whole.
‐‐ Miley Cyrus
Jesus is why women have traveled continents, spent decades learning a strange language so they could translate the Gospel, planting churches, caring for the sick, educating the illiterate, and marching for the oppressed.
‐‐ John Ortberg
Jesus isn't a logo, I'm not promoting some company, some brand. I'm just professing my faith.
‐‐ Stephen Baldwin
Jesus isn't lettin' you off the hook. The Scriptures don't let you off the hook so easily... When people say, you know, 'Good teacher', 'Prophet', 'Really nice guy' ... this is not how Jesus thought of Himself.
‐‐ Bono
Jesus kinda fools around and gives you parables. He doesn't oftentimes say exactly what he means. But in Matthew 25, he's very, very clear. And he delineates what it takes to get into the Kingdom of Heaven very, very clearly. And he says how you treat the least among us, the least of our brothers, that's how you treat Him.
‐‐ Juan Vargas
Jesus' life as a foot-washing servant would eventually lead to the adoption of humility as a widely admired virtue.
‐‐ John Ortberg
Jesus lived a life that was full of joy and contradictions and fights, you know? If they were to paint a picture of Jesus without contradictions, the gospels would be fake, but the contradictions are a sign of authenticity.
‐‐ Paulo Coelho
Jesus' love for His children continues to be the greatest love story of all time.
‐‐ Monica Johnson
Jesus made clear that the Kingdom of God is organic and not organizational. It grows like a seed and it works like leaven: secretly, invisibly, surprisingly, and irresistibly.
‐‐ Os Guinness
Jesus made Himself available to everyone. Unlike former prophets and the religious men of His day, who often kept themselves aloof, Jesus was easy to approach and always ready to give his help.
‐‐ Mother Angelica
Jesus made the final sacrifice for all, and we need not make it again.
‐‐ Stanley Hauerwas
Jesus may have had an immense sense of importance or destiny, but he never claimed to be the Son of God.
‐‐ Paul Verhoeven
Jesus meets the physical needs of kids but also tells them how to save their soul.
‐‐ Benjamin Watson
Jesus never called a human being a sinner.
‐‐ Robert H. Schuller
Jesus never instructed men to do what was right because it was right; yet this is the true reason why they should do it.
‐‐ Lysander Spooner
Jesus never mistreated anyone just because they mistreated Him. He confronted them in a spirit of gentleness and then continued to love them.
‐‐ Joyce Meyer
Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things - he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies.
‐‐ Jimmy Carter
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.
‐‐ Patricia Ireland
Jesus of Nazareth was a poet, no less than a prophet, of pre-eminent genius.
‐‐ Orson F. Whitney
Jesus of Nazareth was the most famous human being who ever lived on this planet, and he had no infrastructure, and it's never been done. He had no government, no PR guy, no money, no structure. He had nothing, yet he became the most famous human being ever.
‐‐ Bill O'Reilly
Jesus on Twitter would have been a pretty amazing thing.
‐‐ Mark Batterson
Jesus' own witness of sacrificial love and forgiveness, and his work to heal the sick and care for those in need, represent God's ways and vision for us.
‐‐ Adam Hamilton
Jesus paid a tremendous price for us so we could have abundant life. He willingly took all of our sin on Himself and gave His life on the cross so we could be forgiven and have new life in Him.
‐‐ Joyce Meyer
Jesus picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organisation that conquered the world.
‐‐ Bruce Barton
Jesus remains the most influential person in history, one who has inspired untold followers for millennia.
‐‐ Jay Parini
Jesus represents the possibilities of a new dimension of existence that transcends all the boundaries that restrict us from opening ourselves to God and allowing this source of love to flow through us.
‐‐ John Shelby Spong
Jesus's first commandment was to love one another.
‐‐ Chris Gibson
Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers.' And I think a lot of people don't understand that there's a difference between a peace lover and a peacemaker. Everybody loves peace, but wearing jewelry around your neck and saying 'I love peace' doesn't bring it.
‐‐ Mike Huckabee
Jesus said, 'Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.' There are no exceptions. Baptism is a necessary ordinance.
‐‐ Gordon B. Hinckley