It is the element I miss in electronic music - no performance, no loving immersion. Maybe that is why I was never particularly drawn to electronic music.
‐‐ Lukas Foss
It is the emergence of mass media which makes possible the use of propaganda techniques on a societal scale.
‐‐ Jacques Ellul
It is the end. But of what? The end of France? No. The end of kings? Yes.
‐‐ Victor Hugo
It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently.
‐‐ Tom Frieden
It is the entire euro zone system which is under threat at the moment, not just a few small countries anymore... Our euro is under threat. The changing situation needs a quick and immediate reaction.
‐‐ Iveta Radicova
It is the essence of innovation to fail most of the time.
‐‐ Astro Teller
It is the eternal truth in the political as well as the mystical body, that, where one member suffers, all the members suffer with it.
‐‐ Junius
It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway?
‐‐ Bram Stoker
It is the experiences, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God it's great to be alive!
‐‐ Christopher McCandless
It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block.
‐‐ Paul Gauguin
It is the eye of other people that ruin us. If I were blind I would want, neither fine clothes, fine houses or fine furniture.
‐‐ Benjamin Franklin
It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence.
‐‐ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
It is the faithfulness of God that allows epistemology to model ontology.
‐‐ John Polkinghorne
It is the fate of operating systems to become free.
‐‐ Neal Stephenson
It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory.
‐‐ Blaise Pascal
It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us.
‐‐ Peter De Vries
It is the fine excesses of life that make it worth living.
‐‐ Richard Le Gallienne
It is the flash which appears, the thunderbolt will follow.
‐‐ Voltaire
It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London coffee-house for the voice of the kingdom.
‐‐ Jonathan Swift
It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life.
‐‐ Emmet Fox
It is the fool who thinks he cannot be fooled.
‐‐ Joey Skaggs
It is the forces of the universe that make human beings fall ill. Having learnt to recognize how sun qualities and moon qualities live in plants, animals and minerals, we discover how we can find counterforces and also individual natural forces that point us towards medicines for specific internal illnesses.
‐‐ Rudolf Steiner
It is the fortunate who should extol fortune.
‐‐ Torquato Tasso
It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame.
‐‐ Marshall McLuhan
It is the function of art to renew our perception. What we are familiar with we cease to see. The writer shakes up the familiar scene, and, as if by magic, we see a new meaning in it.
‐‐ Anais Nin
It is the function of science to discover the existence of a general reign of order in nature and to find the causes governing this order. And this refers in equal measure to the relations of man - social and political - and to the entire universe as a whole.
‐‐ Dmitri Mendeleev
It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it is not fought on U.S. soil.
‐‐ Chester W. Nimitz
It is the function of the President, representing the executive principle, to execute the laws.
‐‐ Garet Garrett
It is the function of vice to keep virtue within reasonable bounds.
‐‐ Samuel Butler
It is the future, of course, which politicians grapple with, and that is why politics is so disorderly. Only history clears away some of the debris.
‐‐ Madeleine M. Kunin
It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ample room for the rich fertility of American political invention.
‐‐ Lyndon B. Johnson
It is the gift of seeing the life around them clearly and vividly, as something that is exciting in its own right. It is an innate gift, varying in intensity with the individual's temperament and environment.
‐‐ Bill Brandt
It is the glory and good of Art, That Art remains the one way possible Of speaking truth, to mouths like mine at least.
‐‐ Robert Browning
It is the goal of the American university to be the brains of the republic.
‐‐ Johan Huizinga
It is the gossip columnist's business to write about what is none of his business.
‐‐ Louis Kronenberger
It is the government's fundamental duty to ensure the security of every individual citizen.
‐‐ Charles Kennedy
It is the grace of God, that shows and condemns the sin that humbles us.
‐‐ Adam Clarke
It is the great sadness of our species that we have not found a way to eliminate the conflict and to eliminate violence as a device to resolve our conflicts throughout the entire history of the human race.
‐‐ Neale Donald Walsch
It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.
‐‐ Jeremy Bentham
It is the greatest mistake to think that man is always one and the same. A man is never the same for long. He is continually changing. He seldom remains the same even for half an hour.
‐‐ George Gurdjieff
It is the greatest of all advantages to enjoy no advantage at all.
‐‐ Henry David Thoreau
It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little - do what you can.
‐‐ Sydney Smith
It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.
‐‐ John Coleman
It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane.
‐‐ Charles Lindbergh
It is the growth of advertising in this country which, more than any single element, has brought the American magazine to its present enviable position in points of literary, illustrative and mechanical excellence.
‐‐ Edward Bok
It is the habit of every aggressor nation to claim that it is acting on the defensive.
‐‐ Jawaharlal Nehru
It is the harmony of the diverse parts, their symmetry, their happy balance; in a word it is all that introduces order, all that gives unity, that permits us to see clearly and to comprehend at once both the ensemble and the details.
‐‐ Henri Poincare
It is the heart always that sees, before the head can see.
‐‐ Thomas Carlyle
It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.
‐‐ Henry Ward Beecher