It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the truth.
‐‐ John Locke
It is one thing to take as a given that approximately 70 percent of an entering high school freshman class will not attend college, but to assign a particular child to a curriculum designed for that 70 percent closes off for that child the opportunity to attend college.
‐‐ James S. Coleman
It is one thing to tell the citizens of some faraway country to go to hell, but it is another to do the same to your own citizens, who are supposedly your ultimate sovereigns.
‐‐ Ha-Joon Chang
It is one thing to train officers on fighting crime. It is a whole other thing to train them to build friendships and relationships, which are integral to fighting crime. This takes time, effort, and patience on the part of police officers.
‐‐ Rahm Emanuel
It is only a man's own fundamental thoughts that have truth and life in them. For it is these that he really and completely understands. To read the thoughts of others is like taking the remains of someone else's meal, like putting on the discarded clothes of a stranger.
‐‐ Arthur Schopenhauer
It is only a step from boredom to disillusionment, which leads naturally to self-pity, which in turn ends in chaos.
‐‐ Manly Hall
It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world.
‐‐ Nellie Bly
It is only after years of preparation that the young artist should touch color - not color used descriptively, that is, but as a means of personal expression.
‐‐ Henri Matisse
It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.
‐‐ Harvey S. Firestone
It is only at the first encounter that a face makes its full impression on us.
‐‐ Arthur Schopenhauer
It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.
‐‐ M. Scott Peck
It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character.
‐‐ Camille Pissarro
It is only by not paying one's bills that one can hope to live in the memory of the commercial classes.
‐‐ Oscar Wilde
It is only by the rational use of technology; to control and guide what technology is doing; that we can keep any hopes of a social life more desirable than our own: or in fact of a social life which is not appalling to imagine.
‐‐ Carrie Snow
It is only education and understanding of the past that teaches us not to repeat history.
‐‐ Eugene Jarecki
It is only fair to expect public employees like me and others in the public sector to pay something close to what our neighbors and our fellow citizens do in the private sector.
‐‐ Scott Walker
It is only from the people I've had the good fortune to meet that I am learning the lessons to guide me. Baz Luhrmann, director of 'Moulin Rouge,' for example, has a childlike curiosity about the world. He doesn't pretend to know all the answers - quite the opposite, in fact. He asks loads of questions of everyone.
‐‐ Simon Sinek
It is only human supremacy, which is as unacceptable as racism and sexism, that makes us afraid of being more inclusive.
‐‐ Ingrid Newkirk
It is only if you happen to be a newscaster that the tongue-twister spells peril.
‐‐ Craig Brown
It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others.
‐‐ Joseph Addison
It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves.
‐‐ Andre Gide
It is only in appearance that time is a river. It is rather a vast landscape and it is the eye of the beholder that moves.
‐‐ Thornton Wilder
It is only in his music, which Americans are able to admire because a protective sentimentality limits their understanding of it, that the Negro in America has been able to tell his story.
‐‐ James Baldwin
It is only in our decisions that we are important.
‐‐ Jean-Paul Sartre
It is only in solitude that I ever find my own core.
‐‐ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it.
‐‐ Amelia Barr
It is only in the act of nursing that a woman realizes her motherhood in visible and tangible fashion; it is a joy of every moment.
‐‐ Honore de Balzac
It is only in the case of the Priestly Code that opinions differ widely; for it tries hard to imitate the costume of the Mosaic period, and, with whatever success, to disguise its own.
‐‐ Julius Wellhausen
It is only in the country that we can get to know a person or a book.
‐‐ Cyril Connolly
It is only in the fundamentalist religions that women are relegated to second class. Radical Evangelicals, Muslims, and Jews all have the same view of women.
‐‐ Sally Quinn
It is only in the light of the inescapable fact of death that a person can adequately engage and enter upon the mysterious fact of life.
‐‐ John Hines
It is only in the shadows, when some fresh wave, truly original, truly creative, breaks upon the shore, that there will be a rediscovery of the West.
‐‐ Jacques Barzun
It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space and selves.
‐‐ T. S. Eliot
It is only losers that are prosecuted.
‐‐ George Galloway
It is only natural that for any statesman at the helm of any government the question of his country's security should be a concern of the utmost importance.
‐‐ Eisaku Sato
It is only necessary to have courage, for strength without self-confidence is useless.
‐‐ Giacomo Casanova
It is only of life on Earth, however, that one can speak with any certainty. It seems to me that all life on Earth, the sum total of life upon the Earth, has purpose.
‐‐ Clifford D. Simak
It is only our conception of time that makes us call the Last Judgement by this name. It is, in fact, a kind of martial law.
‐‐ Franz Kafka
It is only our humanity that can deliver us from the brutality of our achievements.
‐‐ Henry Rollins
It is only partly true that religion does more harm than good in society. The community makes God into the image it wants, vengeful, or milky sweet, or scrupulously just, and so on.
‐‐ Mary Douglas
It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.
‐‐ Rene Descartes
It is only reasonable that our laws do not force our country to provide safe harbor to those individuals that are being sought out by their governments due to their terrorist ties.
‐‐ Bill Shuster
It is only requisite, for me to say to you, that the President places great reliance upon your skill, judgment and intimate knowledge.
‐‐ Anson Jones
It is only since linguistics has become more aware of its object of study, i.e. perceives the whole extent of it, that it is evident that this science can make a contribution to a range of studies that will be of interest to almost anyone.
‐‐ Ferdinand de Saussure
It is only the consciousness of a nonexistence which allows us to realize for moments that we are living.
‐‐ Max Frisch
It is only the cynicism that is born of success that is penetrating and valid.
‐‐ George Jean Nathan
It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.
‐‐ Sun Tzu
It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.
‐‐ B. C. Forbes
It is only the forcible propagation of conventional Christianity that makes the agnostic so bitter toward the church. He knows that all the doctrines cannot possibly be true, but he would view them with toleration if he were asked merely to let them alone for the benefit of the masses whom they can help and succour.
‐‐ H. P. Lovecraft