IQ is a commodity, data is a commodity. I'm far more interested in watching people interact at a restaurant with their smartphone. We can all read 'Tech Crunch,' 'Ad Age.' I would rather be living in the trenches. I would rather be going to Whole Foods in Columbus Circle to watch people shop with their smartphones.
‐‐ Gary Vaynerchuk
Ira Gershwin, shame on him. I mean, some of the writing.
‐‐ Joni Mitchell
Iran also has an extensive missile development programme. Iranian officials declare that the range of their modified Shahab-3 missiles is 2,000km, putting allied countries such as Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria within reach.
‐‐ Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Iran can exist without Hamas, but Hamas can't exist without Iran.
‐‐ Avigdor Lieberman
Iran can never get a nuclear weapon, and it never will as long as I have anything to say about it.
‐‐ Maggie Hassan
Iran continues to explicitly threaten to destroy the state of Israel, America's most important ally in the region. Its leaders continue to shout, 'Death to America.' If Iran wants to be a part of the world community, it should renounce such statements.
‐‐ Bill Flores
Iran did not talk to the United States for 35 years. And now we are talking. And I believe these talks are useful. But they haven't produced the intended results. We have not seen an end to the hostility that has been exhibited in the United States against Iran. And I believe it is important that we see some of that.
‐‐ Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iran doesn't need one centrifuge. Canada has nuclear energy. Spain has nuclear energy. Switzerland has nuclear energy, and they don't enrich uranium. You don't need to enrich uranium in order to use nuclear energy. You enrich uranium in order to produce a bomb.
‐‐ Naftali Bennett
Iran exports about 2.2 million barrels a day.
‐‐ Elliott Abrams
Iran has a dismal record on human rights.
‐‐ Howard Berman
Iran has basically propped up Assad, who has waged an absolute war of horror against the Syrian people. And he has done anything he could to stay in power with the full support of the Iranians and including Iranian troops and Hezbollah from Lebanon, which are an Iranian proxy.
‐‐ Hillary Clinton
Iran has every intention to build a nuclear weapon.
‐‐ Michael T. Flynn
Iran has interest in seeing that the Shia population of Iraq basically adhere to a line that comes from Iran.
‐‐ Richard Armitage
Iran has little capacity to deploy force. Its strategic doctrines are defensive, designed to deter invasion long enough for diplomacy to set it.
‐‐ Noam Chomsky
Iran has long sponsored terrorists who carry out homicide bombings in Israeli cities. However, it is a mistake to believe the danger Iran poses is directed at Israel alone.
‐‐ John Doolittle
Iran has not invaded any other country. We have not threatened to use force. Just exactly the opposite of Israel. Israel threatens to use force against Iran almost on a daily basis. And it has a record.
‐‐ Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iran has the technology to produce the highly enriched uranium, which is not automatically meaning nuclear weapon.
‐‐ Mohamed ElBaradei
Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the world's first empire, produced titanic figures like Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and is one of the great fonts of world culture.
‐‐ Stephen Kinzer
Iran is a complete Windows country when it comes to the Office automation side.
‐‐ Satya Nadella
Iran is a country of 80 million people, educated and dynamic. It sits astride a crucial part of the world. It cannot be sanctioned and pressed down forever. It is the last great civilization to sit outside the global order.
‐‐ Fareed Zakaria
Iran is a major threat to the well-being of Europe and America just as much as it is for the state of Israel.
‐‐ Ehud Olmert
Iran is a nation with American blood on its hands.
‐‐ Jeff Duncan
Iran is a rogue state, a dangerous state. Iran spreads hatred all over the world.
‐‐ Isaac Herzog
Iran is actively pursuing the development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles.
‐‐ Howard Berman
Iran is an anti-Semitic, terrorist government.
‐‐ Ehud Olmert
Iran is central to our foreign policy in the Middle East, a major player in global energy markets, and a key country in terms of our interaction with the Muslim world.
‐‐ Howard Berman
Iran is isolated on its nuclear program and support for terrorism.
‐‐ Thomas E. Donilon
Iran is isolating itself from the rest of the world.
‐‐ Leon Panetta
Iran is not a make-believe country. It is a real country populated by some 75 million people - real people; including, I daresay, a majority who are philosophically and by education inclined toward the modern, secular world, and particularly American values.
‐‐ Bob Barr
Iran is not about building nuclear weapons. We don't wanna build nuclear weapons. We don't believe that nuclear weapons bring security to anybody, certainly not to us.
‐‐ Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iran is not getting rid of any of its nuclear plants. They're not getting rid of anything.
‐‐ Donald Trump
Iran is not in any sort of routine groupings. It's not an Arab country. It's not part of the Indian subcontinent. So it's in a neighborhood where it has some unique characteristics. We are a country which embraced Islam, learned Arabic, but didn't change its language or its culture... That's what keeps us unique.
‐‐ Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iran is not interested in a war. Iran is capable of defending itself and teaching a very harsh lesson to anybody who commits aggression against Iran, but we're not interested.
‐‐ Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iran is nothing but trouble, and always has been that.
‐‐ Jay Rockefeller
Iran is part of the problem, not the solution. And the Russian government is ignoring reality.
‐‐ Lindsey Graham
Iran is the base of an axis of evil which is a problem for all the world.
‐‐ Avigdor Lieberman
Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.
‐‐ Sigmar Gabriel
Iran, Libya and Syria are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons of mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve.
‐‐ Ariel Sharon
Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability.
‐‐ Ehud Barak
Iran rejects weapons of mass destruction based on its belief system, its religious belief system, as well as well as its ethical standpoint.
‐‐ Hassan Rouhani
Iran's continued drive to develop nuclear capabilities, including troubling enrichment activities and past work on weaponization documented by the IAEA, and its continued support to groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist organizations make clear that the regime in Tehran is a very grave threat to all of us.
‐‐ Leon Panetta
Iran's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons, support for international terrorist organizations, and abhorrent human rights practices pose one of the greatest threats to global security.
‐‐ Allyson Schwartz
Iran's economy is now shrinking by 1 percent a year. Its oil production is down 40 percent.
‐‐ Susan Rice
Iran's goal is not to become another North Korea - a nuclear weapons possessor but a pariah in the international community - but rather Brazil or Japan, a technological powerhouse with the capacity to develop nuclear weapons if the political winds were to shift, while remaining a nonnuclear weapons state.
‐‐ Mohamed ElBaradei
Iran's most formidable modern leader, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was obsessed with the idea of building a steel mill, but in 1941, soon after he assembled all the components, Allied armies invaded Iran, and the project had to be abandoned.
‐‐ Stephen Kinzer
Iran sees India, China, Pakistan and, allegedly, Israel around them with nuclear weapons.
‐‐ Ehud Barak
Iran stands behind a substantial number of terrorist actions against us, together with Hizballah and the Islamic Jihad. It pretends to care for the Palestinians.
‐‐ Moshe Katsav
Iran wants to join the group of countries that want to know about the biggest things, like space.
‐‐ Burton Richter
Iran will be the most checked and inspected country if the principles agreed in Lausanne are transferred into the language of practical agreements.
‐‐ Sergei Lavrov