In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider.
‐‐ King Solomon
In the day-to-day, farm work is stress relief for me. At the end of the day, I love having this other career - my anti-job - that keeps me in shape and gives me control over a vegetal domain.
‐‐ Barbara Kingsolver
In the day-to-day life of a traveling musician, it's easy to miss so many details. The world goes by at high-speed; it will take your breath away.
‐‐ Eric Burdon
In the days and months I spent walking through the various communities of this city, I found that Chicago did not work for everyone, however.
‐‐ Jane Byrne
In the days of Caesar, kings had fools and jesters. Now network presidents have anchormen.
‐‐ Ted Koppel
In the days of Gary Cooper, James Stewart etc, film stars personified the better aspects of human nature.
‐‐ Alexander Walker
In the days of segregation, when blacks were limited to certain neighborhoods, you could look around the black community and identify who the leaders were.
‐‐ Roger Wilkins
In the days when corporate downsizing was all the rage, Wall Street took a lot of flak for judging companies too harshly and setting the bar for corporate performance so high that executives felt their only option was to slash payrolls.
‐‐ James Surowiecki
In the days when I used to tweet, I would encounter comments wishing death upon me. There were people who claimed they were sticking pins in my effigy because they couldn't stand me. There's some seriously disturbed people out there.
‐‐ Andie MacDowell
In the days when I wasn't being taken seriously, I wore long skirts - very conservative. But now, I dress any way I want to.
‐‐ Euzhan Palcy
In the days when regional music was very clearly defined and had a clear personality - Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, whatever - Philadelphia had a tradition that was very distinct and unique.
‐‐ John Oates
In the daytime, I was studying at school and in the evenings, I was a stage kid. I was trained in theatre and public speaking. I was a really active kid.
‐‐ Imran Amed
In the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are many Aramaic texts from the time of Jesus, so one can get a pretty good idea of what the language of Jesus looked liked.
‐‐ Jay Parini
In the deaf community, in order to play a role of someone with a hearing loss... you have to have hearing loss.
‐‐ Katie Leclerc
In the deaf community, there are different types of people who have different philosophies. Some believe that they should only sign. Some believe they should only speak. Some people say you should use cued speech. Some say you should use cochlear implants. Some say you shouldn't sign. Some people say you should sign.
‐‐ Marlee Matlin
In the decade before the Civil War various north and south lines of railway were projected and some of these were assisted by grants of land from the Federal Government.
‐‐ John Moody
In the decades since my youth, I've witnessed the explosion of fatherless families and an exponential increase in illiteracy and crime.
‐‐ Burgess Owens
In the decline of the day, near Kentucky river, as we ascended the brow of a small hill, a number of Indians rushed out of a thick cane-brake upon us, and made us prisoners.
‐‐ Daniel Boone
In the democracy of the dead all men at last are equal. There is neither rank nor station nor prerogative in the republic of the grave.
‐‐ John James Ingalls
In the Democratic primary in 2008, the Obama team devised a strategy to use the caucuses and a complicated system of awarding delegates in the state primaries to sneak up on Hillary Clinton and establish a lead Obama never surrendered.
‐‐ John Podhoretz
In the Depression, big musicals made a comeback.
‐‐ Katherine Kelly
In the Depression especially, I think you learn to face problems and not run away from them.
‐‐ Lilla Crawford
In the Depression we had to divert corn acreage.
‐‐ Orville Redenbacher
In the depth of the near depression, that he faced when he came in, Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress provided 'recovery funds' that literally kept our classrooms open. Two years ago, these funds saved nearly 20,000 teacher and education jobs - just here in North Carolina.
‐‐ Jim Hunt
In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
‐‐ Albert Camus
In the depths of the moor, the peat may be seen riven like floes of ice, and the rifts are sometimes twelve to fourteen feet deep, cut through black vegetable matter, the product of decay of plants through countless generations.
‐‐ Sabine Baring-Gould
In the design process, there's a need to be culturally comprehensive.
‐‐ Dries van Noten
In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale.
‐‐ Martha Beck
In the developed world, we live 30 years longer, on average, than our ancestors born a century ago, but the price we pay for those added years is the rise of chronic diseases.
‐‐ S. Jay Olshansky
In the developing world, it's about time that women are on the agenda. For instance, 80 percent of small-subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are women, and yet all the programs in the past were predominantly focused on men.
‐‐ Melinda Gates
In the developing world, people often use quite basic technology. Many of the most imaginative schemes are using what we'd count as old tech.
‐‐ Charles Leadbeater
In the development of antibiotics, the soil microbiological population has contributed more than its share. It is to the soil that the microbiologists came in search of new antibacterial agents.
‐‐ Selman Waksman
In the different voice of women lies the truth of an ethic of care, the tie between relationship and responsibility, and the origins of aggression in the failure of connection.
‐‐ Carol Gilligan
In the digital age of 'overnight' success stories such as Facebook, the hard slog is easily overlooked.
‐‐ James Dyson
In the Digital Age, recorders also tend to be oversharers, and with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, they can do so on a grand scale.
‐‐ Graydon Carter
In the digital age, we filter forward instead of filtering out. As a result, all that material is still available to us and to others to filter in their own ways, and to bring forward in other contexts.
‐‐ David Weinberger
In the digital future, texts will be annotated visually, animated and illustrated like never before. The austere 'prayer book' paper that permitted the space for Shepard's illustrations to Pepys' diaries is now being recreated in the digital era.
‐‐ Chris Riddell
In the digital universe, our personal history and its sense of narrative is succeeded by our social networking profile - a snapshot of the current moment. The information itself - our social graph of friends and likes - is a product being sold to market researchers in order to better predict and guide our futures.
‐‐ Douglas Rushkoff
In the digital world, he who hesitates is abandoned. So you have to generate 3-D excitement with as many devices as you can find.
‐‐ Howard Stringer
In the dime stores and bus stations, people talk of situations, read books, repeat quotations, draw conclusions on the wall.
‐‐ Bob Dylan
In the dining room, next to my collection of colorful papier-mache Mardi Gras float art, hang draperies made of the New Orleans toile fabric that I designed pre-Katrina for Hazelnut.
‐‐ Bryan Batt
In the direct-to-consumer channel, we continue to look at the entire world as an extension opportunity for all of our brands.
‐‐ Richard Hayne
In the discharge of the duties of this office, there is one rule of action more important than all others. It consists in never doing anything that someone else can do for you.
‐‐ Calvin Coolidge
In the dissection of the muscles, attention should be directed to the exact origin, insertion, and actions of each, and to its more important relations with surrounding parts.
‐‐ Henry Gray
In the district I represent, I have to talk to everybody.
‐‐ Pete Gallego
In the district of Hizan, through the influence of Shaikh Abdurrahman Tagi, known as Seyda, so many students, teachers, and scholars emerged, I was sure all Kurdistan took pride in them and their scholarly debates and wide knowledge and Sufi way. These were the people who would conquer the face of the earth!
‐‐ Said Nursi
In the divine milieu, all the elements of the universe touch each other by that which is most inward and ultimate in them. There they concentrate, little by little, all that is purest and most attractive in them without loss and without danger of subsequent corruption.
‐‐ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the divine Scriptures, there are shallows and there are deeps; shallows where the lamb may wade, and deeps where the elephant may swim.
‐‐ John Owen
In the Dobbsian view of America, the mainstream media isn't evil because it's liberal but because it's lazy. And Washington is utterly corrupt, has sold out, Democrats and Republicans alike. And corporate America is an insatiable pig.
‐‐ Jeanne Marie Laskas
In the documentary 'Facing Ali,' nearly half the fighters involved required subtitles despite speaking English, their speech slurred by the physical toll of their ring lives. This was their reward for testing their furthermost physical and mental boundaries.
‐‐ Brin-Jonathan Butler