In recent years, the choice of drugs on these reservations and throughout my district has been methamphetamines. It has destroyed the rule of law among the reservation people. It is killing our tribal youth in this country.
‐‐ Rick Renzi
In recent years, we have been sending a clear, consistent signal about the harms of drugs, particularly marijuana, which for most young people is the first illegal drug that they are exposed to.
‐‐ John Walters
In recent years, we have seen the United States back away from pressuring the Castro regime, under the misguided view that placating them with an open hand would yield progress. That naivete has invited only more cruelty and oppression in return.
‐‐ Mitt Romney
In recitals, you are naked before the audience - well, naked with your jacket and tails. The audience sees and hears the real person, not some role you are interpreting.
‐‐ Jose Carreras
In 'Reclaiming Virtue,' I argue that we have had an element missing in moral education. That element is 'affect.' Affect is simply the technical word for feeling or emotion.
‐‐ John Bradshaw
In recognising the global problem posed by osteoporosis, WHO sees the need for a global strategy for prevention and control of osteoporosis, focusing on three major functions: prevention, management and surveillance.
‐‐ Gro Harlem Brundtland
In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.
‐‐ Thurgood Marshall
In recompense, envy may be the subtlest - perhaps I should say the most insidious - of the seven deadly sins.
‐‐ Joseph Epstein
In recounting our woes, we often soothe them.
‐‐ Pierre Corneille
In recurring episodes over the next couple of decades, the minority view gradually won. A profusion of factors differentiates each case from the others, including naked partisanship on both sides, but the trend has been clear.
‐‐ Michael Kinsley
In reference to Cat Stevens, it is very, very important we have accurate information on our terrorist watch list and our no fly list and that you have a remedy.
‐‐ Asa Hutchinson
In refugee camps around the world, I met people who were gone. They were still walking around but had lost so much that they were unable to claim any sort of identity. Others I met found who they truly were, and they generally found it through service to others. They became teachers when there was no school, books or pencils.
‐‐ Deborah Ellis
In regard of the rich grace and wisdom of his love toward his people; for who sees not, but that it is a curse to be unready as these foolish virgins, who were therefore shut out.
‐‐ Thomas Shepard
In regard to education, something has been done by the Provincial Legislature; but to build churches, and to place clergymen is a work of greater difficulty.
‐‐ John Strachan
In regard to music, I just think that it's always best to have an attitude of being a perpetual student and always look to learn something new about music, because there's always something new to learn. Don't dismiss something out of hand because you think it's either beneath you or outside of the realm of where your interests lie.
‐‐ David Sanborn
In regards to being a fashion aficionado, there's a certain amount of taking yourself seriously in the professional world. The self-effacing person can't completely go down the serious road. But I design, and love when things are beautiful.
‐‐ St. Vincent
In regards to core training, I try to incorporate the medicine ball whenever possible. As a baseball player, there is a lot of twisting and turning that I will do. Keeping my abs strong is as important as anything else.
‐‐ Albert Pujols
In regards to steroids, I think we're all to blame, all of baseball. I never realized how far-reaching this problem has been.
‐‐ Joe Torre
In regards to The Haunting, people compared it to the old movie, which is unfair. We didn't have the rights to the movie. I couldn't duplicate a single thing because that would have been legal infringement.
‐‐ Jan de Bont
In regards to the reaction to Life Is Killing Me, I would say that I'm never happy about anything.
‐‐ Josh Silver
In regards to your love life, you're just entering into a whole of pain if you talk about it. If you've never said anything, there are no sound bites to haunt you when you're crying into a box of Kleenex after it all goes wrong.
‐‐ Lily James
In relationships, you want to be secure but not know what's coming next. Everyone has to have secrets, but if I'm asked a question, I'll answer honestly.
‐‐ Josh Bowman
In relative youth, we assume we'll remember everything. Someone should urge the young to think otherwise.
‐‐ Dick Cavett
In relativity, movement is continuous, causally determinate and well defined, while in quantum mechanics it is discontinuous, not causally determinate and not well defined.
‐‐ David Bohm
In religion as in politics it so happens that we have less charity for those who believe half our creed, than for those who deny the whole of it.
‐‐ Charles Caleb Colton
In religion, there's a certain type of fear that if somebody believes differently from me, that it's a threat. Because I'm right, and there cannot be two ways that are right, so if I'm right, anything different than this must be wrong; and we attack those things and it's really due to insecurity, ego and fear.
‐‐ Radhanath Swami
In religions which have lost their creative spark, the gods eventually become no more than poetic motifs or ornaments for decorating human solitude and walls.
‐‐ Nikos Kazantzakis
In religious and in secular affairs, the more fervent beliefs attract followers. If you are a moderate in any respect - if you're a moderate on abortion, if you're a moderate on gun control, or if you're a moderate in your religious faith - it doesn't evolve into a crusade where you're either right or wrong, good or bad, with us or against us.
‐‐ Jimmy Carter
In religious circles, depression is often deemed to be a spiritual condition that can be cured with prayer.
‐‐ Tony Campolo
In 'Remember the Night,' love reformed her and corrupted him, which gave us the finely balanced moral that one man's meat is another man's poison.
‐‐ Preston Sturges
In remembering those who lost their lives in the London attacks and the September 11th attacks we continue our commitment to fighting for freedom, democracy and justice.
‐‐ Doc Hastings
In removing the friction involved in paying bills, electronic billing has substantially increased the friction involved in not paying them.
‐‐ Timothy Noah
In rendering its decision in our case, the Supreme Court equated money with speech because these days it takes the first to make yourself heard.
‐‐ James L. Buckley
In reply, I can only plead that a discovery which seems to contradict the general tenor of previous investigations is naturally received with much hesitation.
‐‐ Charles Lyell
In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority.
‐‐ James Madison
In requiring this candor and simplicity of mind in those who would investigate the truth of our religion, Christianity demands nothing more than is readily conceded to every branch of human science.
‐‐ Simon Greenleaf
In research, I wanted to establish the medicinal chemistry/bioassay conjugation as an academic pursuit, as exciting to the imagination as astrophysics or molecular biology.
‐‐ James Black
In researching 'The Luminaries,' I did read quite a lot of 20th-century crime. My favourites out of that were James M. Cain, Dassiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and Graham Greene and Patricia Highsmith.
‐‐ Eleanor Catton
In responding to a terrorist attack, there are only two choices - take the fight to the enemy or wait until they hit you again. In my estimation, America chose the first.
‐‐ Kay Granger
In response to our fast-food culture, a 'slow food' movement appeared. Out of hurried parenthood, a move toward slow parenting could be growing. With vital government supports for state-of-the-art public child care and paid parental leave, maybe we would be ready to try slow love and marriage.
‐‐ Arlie Russell Hochschild
In response to the challenge of strangers, sport arose as a sublimated representation of a community's armed might as well as its pride of place and clan.
‐‐ John Thorn
In response to the drop in wealth suffered as a consequence of the 2008 financial crisis, homeowners and firms did attempt to increase savings in financial assets by reducing expenditure on durables.
‐‐ Dale T. Mortensen
In response to the recession, the Obama administration chose to emphasize costly, short-term fixes - ineffective stimulus programs, myriad housing programs that went nowhere, and a rush to invest in 'green' companies. As a consequence, uncertainty over policy - particularly over tax and regulatory policy - slowed the recovery.
‐‐ Glenn Hubbard
In restaurants in my Brooklyn neighborhood, I always ask for a doggie bag to bring the leftovers home.
‐‐ Alek Wek
In restoring man from evil sovereignty, we must cheat.
‐‐ Sun Myung Moon
In retrospect, I can see I couldn't talk to people face to face, so I got on stage and started screaming and squealing and twitching about. Ha! Like, that sure made sense!
‐‐ David Byrne
In retrospect, I have devoted my scientific life mainly to the question to what extent infectious agents contribute to human cancer, trusting that this will contribute to novel modes of cancer prevention, diagnosis and, hopefully, later on, also to cancer therapy.
‐‐ Harald zur Hausen
In retrospect, I'm grateful for the break-up of my marriage because it forced me to deal with all the buried issues I probably wouldn't have otherwise faced. I'm a better, kinder, happier person today because of the spiritual and emotional growth I've experienced.
‐‐ Alana Stewart
In retrospect, I'm really shocked at how far I put my heart out there on the line with 'Prima Donna'. I seem to have this knack for being able to accomplish that.
‐‐ Rufus Wainwright