In our house, Mother's Day is every day. Father's Day, too. In our house, parents count. They do important work and that work matters. One day just doesn't cut for us.
‐‐ Margaret Heffernan
In our house, the word of Louis B. Mayer became the law.
‐‐ Judy Garland
In our house, we do everything whole: whole milk and full-fat cheeses. And I use ghee and coconut oil for cooking.
‐‐ Kourtney Kardashian
In our house we repeated the pattern of thousands of other homes. There were a few books and a lot of music. Our food and our furniture were no different from our neighbors'.
‐‐ Emanuel Celler
In our house we say 'adolescence' is a western word. We don't believe in it.
‐‐ Mira Nair
In our increasingly secular society, with so many disparate gods and different faiths, superhero films present a unique canvas upon which our shared hopes, dreams and apocalyptic nightmares can be projected and played out.
‐‐ Tom Hiddleston
In our industry, there are so many competing companies and games, and they have people constantly out spying on competition. For example, Valve in Seattle tries to keep their location a secret.
‐‐ Rony Abovitz
In our interconnected world, novel technology could empower just one fanatic, or some weirdo with a mindset of those who now design computer viruses, to trigger some kind of disaster. Indeed, catastrophe could arise simply from technical misadventure - error rather than terror.
‐‐ Martin Rees
In our interconnected world, we must learn to feel enlarged, not threatened, by difference - that is what I have argued.
‐‐ Jonathan Sacks
In our judgment of human transactions, the law of optics is reversed; we see the most indistinctly the objects which are close around us.
‐‐ Richard Whately
In our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are.
‐‐ Ovid
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.
‐‐ Marc Chagall
In our lives in a lot of ways it's all about fake. You've got people wanting things for fake reasons.
‐‐ Billy Corgan
In our lives, we have good things and bad things, happiness and pain.
‐‐ Park Chan-wook
In our local Baptist church, I sang in the choir and formed a gospel quartet. When our minister caught me messing with his guitar, he taught me three positions - one, four and five. After that, I taught myself to play.
‐‐ B. B. King
In our marriage, the success of our athletic dreams comes before everything. 'Hey do you want to watch a movie?' 'No, I have a hard workout tomorrow.'
‐‐ Ashton Eaton
In our minds, love and lust are really separated. It's hard to find someone that can be kind and you can trust enough to leave your kids with, and isn't afraid to throw her man up against the wall and lick him from head to toe.
‐‐ Tori Amos
In our modern age - in the age of free information - I don't think there is any place for dictatorships.
‐‐ Rashid al-Ghannushi
In our modern world of interdependent nations, hardly any state can wage war successfully without raising loans and buying war materials of every kind in the markets of other nations.
‐‐ Arthur Henderson
In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one's rights and double one's duties.
‐‐ Arthur Schopenhauer
In our music, in our everyday life, there are so many negative things. Why not have something positive and stamp it with blackness?
‐‐ Jamie Foxx
In our Nation, approximately 22.5 million children ride school buses to and from school each day, which accounts for 54 percent of all students attending grade school.
‐‐ Kenny Marchant
In our national mythology, we seem to include only one-way migrations to the great capitol cities. The journey from the small Wisconsin town or Minnesota city to Chicago or New York or Los Angeles. Certainly for some people, that journey is a round trip.
‐‐ Mona Simpson
In our natural state, we are glorious beings. In the world of illusion, we are lost and imprisoned, slaves to our appetites and our will to false power.
‐‐ Marianne Williamson
In our nature, however, there is a provision, alike marvelous and merciful, that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture, but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it.
‐‐ Nathaniel Hawthorne
In our office, we have a whiteboard with all of our ideas and things we want to write on it - great ideas we have that we haven't had the time to get around to yet.
‐‐ Erich Hoeber
In our open society, we are inclined to give to the less fortunate for the pure goodness of giving. We open our home to those who are alone on this holiday to spread some warmth into the life of another.
‐‐ Jeff Miller
In our ordinary experiences with other people, we know that approaching each other in a machinelike way gets us into trouble.
‐‐ Peter Senge
In our own lives and in our communities, we need to find a way to include others rather than exclude them. We need to find a way to allow our pain and suffering, individually and collectively.
‐‐ Sharon Salzberg
In our own, theatre can be the place where we come together, reaching with and through stories, to who we are and to who we can be.
‐‐ Juliet Stevenson
In our own time it has been seen... that simple children, roughly brought up in the wilderness, have begun to draw by themselves, impelled by their own natural genius, instructed solely by the example of these beautiful paintings and sculptures of Nature.
‐‐ Giorgio Vasari
In our period, they say there is free speech. They say there is no penalty for poets, There is no penalty for writing poems. They say this. This is the penalty.
‐‐ Muriel Rukeyser
In our personal ambitions we are individualists. But in our seeking for economic and political progress as a nation, we all go up or else all go down as one people.
‐‐ Franklin D. Roosevelt
In our personal lives, we have a lot of businesses going on. I have a profession, I'm a father, a spouse, a good member of my community. How much of my time and energy can I allocate to each of those things? What I allocate becomes the strategy I have for my family, and everything else.
‐‐ Clayton M. Christensen
In our pledge every day, we pledge one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
‐‐ Patrick J. Kennedy
In our political system, money is power. And that means a few can have a lot more power than the rest. That's bad news for everyone else - and for our democracy itself.
‐‐ Al Franken
In our post-9/11 world, our Nation's military deserves, at least the same access to institutions of higher education that any other major employer might enjoy.
‐‐ Mike Rogers
In our post-Freudian world, it is no longer a goal to become people of character who live out a God-ordained ideal of selfhood.
‐‐ Tony Campolo
In our production-oriented society, being busy, having an occupation, has become one of the main ways, if not the main way, of identifying ourselves. Without an occupation, not just our economic security but our very identity is endangered.
‐‐ Henri Nouwen
In our quest for peace, we should constantly ask ourselves what we should do to create conditions in which peace can prosper.
‐‐ F. W. de Klerk
In our quest to define and describe the world, we have crisscrossed the oceans and continents, compiling exhaustive knowledge about its life forms and features, and extended our physical reach through technology, which provides us instantaneous and pervasive access to information about seemingly everything.
‐‐ Alan Huffman
In our quest to tweet, like, and trend, we have forgotten that brands can be built through advertising. Ads can generate big ideas that can never be trumped by tactics. That is the magic of an ad, and that is what is missing from many ads today.
‐‐ Jerry Della Femina
In our racist, sexist society, Christmas is the 8 hours when we stop killing each other and gratutious over eating is encouraged so that the starving and other people in the world can die!
‐‐ Lloyd Kaufman
In our racist, sexist society, Christmas is the eight hours when we stop killing each other and gratuitous overeating is encouraged so that the starving and other people in the world can die!
‐‐ Lloyd Kaufman
In our recovery package we put new standards of accountability and transparency, which we hope will now apply.
‐‐ Nancy Pelosi
In our relationship, we don't have that situation. I don't require what he needs, and he doesn't require what I need. I know what I do; I have an amazing life that nobody knows about.
‐‐ John Oates
In our rich consumers' civilization we spin cocoons around ourselves and get possessed by our possessions.
‐‐ Max Lerner
In our romantic groves I adored her like a divinity.
‐‐ Anne Boyd
In our school you were searched for guns and knifes on the way in and if you didn't have any, they gave you some.
‐‐ Emo Philips