In China, a lot of the opening up of private entrepreneurship is happening because women are starting businesses, small businesses, faster than men.
‐‐ Hanna Rosin
In China anything less than 6% growth is a recession meaning that it also causes financial problems and it's disruptive and it's a problem.
‐‐ Ray Dalio
In China, export lobbies have fought for policies that favor their interests and limit foreign competition.
‐‐ Henry Paulson
In China, going public has a cachet from a branding standpoint. It will improve our image to ad agencies, government regulators.
‐‐ Victor Koo
In China, I lived in a dormitory, and the government paid for everything - food, buses. In Iowa, I had to run after the bus, and cook for myself. The first weeks in the U.S., I was asking, 'Where is my food?'
‐‐ Liang Chow
In China, I realized that if you visit often enough and learn the language, you will be assimilated, but you'll still be kept at arm's length; you'll always be looked on as a foreigner.
‐‐ Abigail Washburn
In China, inaugurations are frequent affairs, though they have nothing to do with presidents. A news cycle rarely passes without some fanfare over the inaugural ride on a new subway line or the inaugural trip across an unusually large bridge.
‐‐ Evan Osnos
In China, Internet surveillance has already become a profitable industry. In fact, a growing number of private firms eagerly assist the local police by aggregating this data and presenting it in easy-to-browse formats, allowing humans to pursue more analytical tasks.
‐‐ Evgeny Morozov
In China, national priorities are established by the Government and then funded by the state; in India, priorities emerge from seemingly endless discussions and arguments amongst myriad interests, and funds have to be found where they might.
‐‐ Shashi Tharoor
In China, remember, the the banks are arms of state policy. They loan because the local party official or regional party official tells them we need a new stadium. They are instruments of state policy.
‐‐ James Chanos
In China's big cities, American products - say, for instance, Proctor and Gamble shampoos or many other goods - are widely coveted by a lot of Chinese consumers.
‐‐ Rebecca MacKinnon
In China, the dead are not forgotten - my relatives cheerfully pointed out all the niches of deceased friends and family, as if gesturing at the homes of the living.
‐‐ Tess Gerritsen
In China, the problem is that with the system of censorship that's now in place, the user doesn't know to what extent, why, and under what authority there's been censorship. There's no way of appealing. There's no due process.
‐‐ Rebecca MacKinnon
In China, the rules of the market are not always that transparent. So it's very hard. Also, the national TV networks are all owned by the government, so our shows are subject to censorship by the networks. Every now and then, we are told that certain subjects cannot be talked about. There are frustrations.
‐‐ Yang Lan
In China the underworld and officialdom have interpenetrated and become one. Criminal elements have become officialized as officials have become criminalized.
‐‐ Liu Xiaobo
In China, Vietnam, Russia and several former Soviet states, the dominant social networks are run by local companies whose relationship with the government actually constrains the empowering potential of social networks.
‐‐ Rebecca MacKinnon
In China, we don't consider someone truly beautiful until we have known them for a long time, and we know what's underneath the skin.
‐‐ Ziyi Zhang
In China, we don't know about the swimming pool game, but we know about Marco Polo.
‐‐ Zhu Zhu
In China we need to do our own part to try to combat global climate change.
‐‐ Ma Jun
In China, we think that if you want something to happen, you don't talk about it. So I will keep who I want to work with as my secret.
‐‐ Zhou Xun
In China, when you get to the airport everyone be talking in American slang.
‐‐ Ike Turner
In China, where you can be arrested and imprisoned for your faith, getting together with other Christians is a lifeline and you'll risk anything for the privilege. No one attends church in China casually, or for a social advantage - quite the opposite.
‐‐ Philip Yancey
In China, you have to have a strong leader for a business to get anything done.
‐‐ Zong Qinghou
In China, you've got six people buying for one child. But the thing is, you've got the largest rising upper-middle class in the world.
‐‐ Angela Ahrendts
In Chinese culture, it wouldn't occur to kids to question or talk back to their parents. In American culture, kids in books, TV shows and movies constantly score points with their snappy back talk. Typically, it's the parents who need to be taught a life lesson - by their children.
‐‐ Amy Chua
In Chinese, there are an impressive number of ways to describe saying nothing at all.
‐‐ Evan Osnos
In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid. I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age.
‐‐ Thomas Gold
In choosing a partner, always pick the optimist.
‐‐ Tony Lema
In choosing a president, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader.
‐‐ Rudy Giuliani
In choosing any role, I ask the same questions: what kind of part is it? is the role challenging? does the director have a vision? is the story moving? etc.
‐‐ Lukas Haas
In choosing global corporate partners UNICEF emphasises compatibility with our core values and looks to build alliances that advance our mission of ensuring the health, education, equality and protection for all the world's children.
‐‐ Carol Bellamy
In choosing Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has chosen for the future.
‐‐ Rudy Giuliani
In choosing Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney made a fantastic choice and a bold statement to the American people.
‐‐ Bob Beauprez
In Christ was united the human and the divine. His mission was to reconcile God to man, and man to God; to unite the finite with the infinite.
‐‐ Ellen G. White
In Christ we see a maturity of love that flowers in self-sacrifice and forgiveness; a maturity of power that never swerves from the ideal of service; a maturity of goodness that overcomes every temptation, and, of course, we see the ultimate victory of life over death itself.
‐‐ Vincent Nichols
In Christian terms, evangelization and humanization are not alternatives. Nor are the 'vertical dimension' of faith and the 'horizontal dimension' of love for one's neighbor and political change.
‐‐ Jurgen Moltmann
In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point.
‐‐ Friedrich Nietzsche
In church, they have the music where you jump and you shout, you know, and then you have the quiet music where you're sitting, you're meditating.
‐‐ Darlene Love
In Cincy, we're told how much Gatorade we could take home. In Houston, we get what we request. You get soap and deodorant at your request. You don't have a roommate on road trips.
‐‐ Johnathan Joseph
In cinema, the leading player is the director.
‐‐ Ben Kingsley
In circuses, there is a lot of magic. Things become other things.
‐‐ Twyla Tharp
In cities like Athens, poor houses lined narrow and tortuous streets in spite of luxurious public buildings.
‐‐ Stephen Gardiner
In cities like New York and Austin, there's much more of a social context for music than in other places.
‐‐ John Cale
In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.
‐‐ Geoffrey Fisher
In cities, people go to work and all walk there together, like some arterial flow. And there's a certain desolation about it, an alienation that we all experience.
‐‐ Roy Harper
In 'Citizens United v. FEC', the Supreme Court ruled that sections of the federal campaign finance law known as McCain-Feingold imposed unconstitutional restrictions on the First Amendment rights of corporations.
‐‐ Eric Schneiderman
In city after city, newspaper after newspaper has diminished its staff of critics, sometimes to zero. Film and T.V. critics have been dropped and not replaced. Maybe they're deemed unnecessary because nobody cares if anything's good or not.
‐‐ Tom Shales
In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.
‐‐ Earl Warren
In civilized life, where the happiness and indeed almost the existence of man, depends on the opinion of his fellow men. He is constantly acting a studied part.
‐‐ Jeremy Collier