If you look at the history of advertising, most of them were Jews, so it was only a matter of time before 'Mad Men' explored that area of advertising.
‐‐ Ben Feldman
If you look at the history of big obstacles in understanding our world, there's usually an intuitive assumption underlying them that's wrong.
‐‐ Jeff Hawkins
If you look at the history of broadcasting, what you find is the National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association whose mission is to protect the interests of the commercial broadcasters.
‐‐ Robert McChesney
If you look at the history of communication, new technologies like the phone and e-mail didn't just let people do things faster; it fundamentally changed the scope of the kinds of projects people dared to take on.
‐‐ Justin Rosenstein
If you look at the history of how information flows, there was a time that newspapers were kind of in the place that Google and Facebook are now - how do we get more people to buy a copy? Then there was a shift in the early 20th century. They needed to do better, and readers and consumers demanded that of them.
‐‐ Eli Pariser
If you look at the history of large financial institutions, most of them have succeeded because of a deep presence in their home market.
‐‐ Uday Kotak
If you look at the history of music, you have classical composers, church music, pop music, etc. Music that's existed for centuries. I think there are some songs that are close to immortal. They will last longer than we will in this lifetime.
‐‐ Mike Love
If you look at the history of Notre Dame, if you hire a coach who's been successful at another college program, they're going to be ultra successful at Notre Dame because the talent will always be there.
‐‐ Lou Holtz
If you look at the history of other movements, whether Civil Rights or environmental rights, these are all decades-long undertakings.
‐‐ Mitch Kapor
If you look at the history of our country over the last 100 years, there have been periods where science and research have been celebrated. They were really kind of held up as heroes in society, which encouraged a generation of people to go into these fields.
‐‐ Mark Zuckerberg
If you look at the history of presidential memorials, it takes a long time to get them done.
‐‐ Susan Eisenhower
If you look at the history of technology over a couple hundred years, it's all about time compression and making the globe smaller. It's had positive effects, all the ones that we know. So we're much less likely to have the kind of terrible misunderstandings that led to World War I, for example.
‐‐ Eric Schmidt
If you look at the history of the American capital market, there's probably no innovation more important than the idea of generally accepted accountancy principles.
‐‐ Lawrence Summers
If you look at the history of the U.S., we were an empire long before we were a nation.
‐‐ Robert D. Kaplan
If you look at the human condition today, not everyone is well fed, has access to good medical care, or the physical basics that provide for a healthy and a happy life.
‐‐ Ralph Merkle
If you look at the Internet, it's been hard for a lot of the traditional media companies to launch viable brands.
‐‐ Tom Freston
If you look at the Internet, the vast majority of start-ups are not successful. But the ones that are, are very very successful. So you can't point to the unsuccessful ones and say, 'There's no hope for this field.' It's just that they had the wrong idea or they had bad execution.
‐‐ Evan Williams
If you look at the least effective of the 'Twilight' movies, it was when they brought in an action-movie director instead of a director who was really a good storyteller. And you can tell the difference.
‐‐ Mark Waters
If you look at the literature of the 19th century, you get things like Kafka and Dostoevsky, who basically write about feeling bored and alienated. That's because we lost contact with the important things in life like work that you enjoy, or the garden, nature, your family and friends.
‐‐ Tom Hodgkinson
If you look at the major industries of the future, IT and mobile are way up there.
‐‐ Romesh Wadhwani
If you look at the map, there's Thrace, Greece, Bulgaria, and there's tiny Gallipoli. It is such a small part of the whole peninsula, and yet you only hear about this little tiny bit.
‐‐ Kerry Greenwood
If you look at the movies that come out, most of them are bad, so it's not as if achieving some level of success means you get offered better roles, because frankly they don't seem to exist.
‐‐ Jesse Eisenberg
If you look at the muscularity of something like 'Wicked' and the way it has just spawned sort of generations of young people wanting to get involved in the theatre - it's brilliant.
‐‐ John Logan
If you look at the mythology of aliens, there's a lot about gold. It's about them coming for gold; whether that's a simplification or not. If you think of 'Chariot of the Gods,' there's this reoccurring theme of gold.
‐‐ Jon Favreau
If you look at the newspapers here - the Washington papers - most of the discussion deals with campaign gossip.
‐‐ Bernie Sanders
If you look at the Nile on a map of Egypt, you don't think it has moved very much, but the river is very violent and has moved over time.
‐‐ Sarah Parcak
If you look at the opening of 'Private Ryan,' you are so in the point of view of those guys and there is a whole world swirling all around them. You are learning that geography as they are learning it.
‐‐ Gary Ross
If you look at the other 16 candidates who ran for president, they're politicians. Everybody on the Hill knows them. And sometimes they know their families. No one really knows Donald Trump.
‐‐ Sean Duffy
If you look at the paths of other actors, most people have a curve where you hit it and there's a time where you make a lot of money and they let you make your movies, and then they take it away and it's gone.
‐‐ Casey Affleck
If you look at the people who make up the Bravo landscape from Jeff Lewis to Rachel Zoe and Padma Lakshmi and Tabatha Coffey and the 'Millionaire Matchmaker,' these are very strong personalities that people love to watch and that you... don't see anywhere else.
‐‐ Andy Cohen
If you look at the play very closely, this is a thirdhand report of what a wonderful hero Macbeth is for saving Scotland. And in the next scene, he's planning to murder Duncan, and you never really know why or what's behind Macbeth.
‐‐ David Hewson
If you look at the practice of 'crisis management,' and maybe squint at it a little, you can make out in the corners of your vision the ghosts or the vestiges of a much older, but still thoroughly American, form of public life, one centered not on public opinion but on religion.
‐‐ Jonathan Dee
If you look at the primitive societies that we know about, the worst thing that could have happened to you was to be captured and be turned over to the women.
‐‐ Jeff Lindsay
If you look at the publishers I've worked with, generally, they're a great bunch. Creation is unlike any other publishing house you can think of. The people I've worked with have integrity and intelligence and, almost always, less money than ideas.
‐‐ Peter Sotos
If you look at the purported dangers of salt or fat, there is no consensus of support in scientific literature. So I would ask first: 'Is it possible to have an informed government that actually follows the science?' From what I've seen, it's not likely.
‐‐ Tim Ferriss
If you look at the question of expenditure in Iraq, you have got to start from the one fundamental truth: that every request that the military commanders made to us for equipment was answered. No request was ever turned down.
‐‐ Gordon Brown
If you look at the Qur'an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity.
‐‐ Said Nursi
If you look at the requirements for just one piece, like art, from one generation of games to the next, it will change radically. You need people who are adaptable because the thing that makes you the best in the world in one generation of games is going to be totally useless in the next.
‐‐ Gabe Newell
If you look at the scientists who really make a difference, they think boldly. They're not afraid to question what they see.
‐‐ Taylor Wilson
If you look at the skeleton, the start is very important.
‐‐ Greg Rutherford
If you look at the sponsors who were in the sport 15 years ago compared to now there are a lot fewer. Why? Because those runners who took drugs tainted the sport. They tainted all of us in it.
‐‐ Maurice Greene
If you look at the state of our planet, the next generations won't be around if we consider sustainability as a gimmick.
‐‐ Jochen Zeitz
If you look at the statistics, people spend most of their time in the kitchen. Aside from the backyard, it's one of my favorite places to renovate.
‐‐ Vanilla Ice
If you look at the studies coming out of the Congressional Budget Office, the number one thing that's going to blow a hole in the deficit as we go forward 20, 30 years is government spending on healthcare.
‐‐ Christina Romer
If you look at the success of snowboarding in the Winter Games and how that's brought a more youthful edge to the Olympics in general, they don't have that with the Summer Games. They don't have anything that's drawing in a younger viewership.
‐‐ Tony Hawk
If you look at the timing of many of the Greek dramas from the theatrical point of view, it's all off, and I think the reason for that is that music played a very important part.
‐‐ John Eaton
If you look at the true essence of the Black Panthers, they were more of a community protection group.
‐‐ Anthony Mackie
If you look at the types of directors out there, I'm not as weird as most of them.
‐‐ Ben Lewin
If you look at the US economy over the last 15-20 years wages have been stagnating or even declining.
‐‐ David Korten
If you look at the various strategies available for dealing with a new technology, sticking your head in the sand is not the most plausible strategy.
‐‐ Ralph Merkle
If you look at the way people behave at shows, icons are now musicians; they are the people that we worship.
‐‐ Grimes
If you look at the whole thing, I think the most gratifying thing is my kids, without a doubt.
‐‐ Shannon Lucid
If you look at the world's top 50 drugs being sold today, they are being marketed and sold by companies that did not invent them. I respect patents. I'll pay a royalty. But I shouldn't be denied the right to produce drugs for poor people at reasonable prices.
‐‐ Yusuf Hamied
If you look at 'The X-Files' generally, we did 202 episodes. About 80% of them are not 'mythology' episodes, which tend to be the epic episodes. They deal with the big conspiracies, the search for Mulder's sister. They deal with what I would call the 'saga' of 'The X-Files.'
‐‐ Chris Carter