If you get satisfaction out of playing music and entertaining people and it makes you feel right, then go for it.
‐‐ Joe Perry
If you get simple beauty and naught else, you get about the best thing God invents.
‐‐ Robert Browning
If you get so unequal that people believe they don't have a chance, that the field isn't level for them and their children, that puts democracy at risk.
‐‐ Hillary Clinton
If you get someone right out of college - and I meet a lot of them - you're not going to get a lot of experience at all, so you have to feel the ambition and desire, which is based on a lot of factors.
‐‐ Mickey Drexler
If you get something like 'Avatar,' it opens up a lot of big blockbuster doors.
‐‐ Sam Worthington
If you get something right, you really feel it, right in your chest, on stage. I think it's an incomparable experience.
‐‐ Jerry Seinfeld
If you get stuck, draw with a different pen. Change your tools; it may free your thinking.
‐‐ Paul Arden
If you get stuck, get away from your desk. Take a walk, take a bath, go to sleep, make a pie, draw, listen to music, meditate, exercise; whatever you do, don't just stick there scowling at the problem. But don't make telephone calls or go to a party; if you do, other people's words will pour in where your lost words should be.
‐‐ Hilary Mantel
If you get through the primary and you work very hard for three months and you're not successful, you go back to being normal. The only thing that changes your life forever is if you win.
‐‐ Max Burns
If you get to a point where the existing institutions will not bend to the popular will, you have to eliminate the institutions.
‐‐ Noam Chomsky
If you get to bring a little movie on the festival circuit, it's a nice experience because you get to see it with an audience. People who go to festivals to watch films are usually a little more eager to enjoy them. It's exciting because it's like you're going to the film's opening night at every festival.
‐‐ Dito Montiel
If you get to the point in your career where you're running with a gun - I've yet to run with a gun. I've stood still with a gun, and I've walked with a gun, but I've never run with a gun. Running with a gun, to me, that's when you know you've really made it.
‐‐ David Costabile
If you get too attached to how you want it to come out the other side, you freeze. I try to trust that it will work out in the end.
‐‐ Jennifer Connelly
If you get too deep into the history, what often happens to a lot of us actors is that we become stilted. We forget that we're reading about something that happened a hundred years ago. If we don't put the human emotion that would naturally be in there, we end up being stilted instead of being human beings.
‐‐ Ato Essandoh
If you get too excited about any one interview, you're making a mistake, because people do cancel.
‐‐ Brian Lamb
If you get trapped in the idea that what is most important is what image of yourself you're giving to the world, you're on a dangerous path.
‐‐ Jeanne Moreau
If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not.
‐‐ Elon Musk
If you get very fine, accurate, and inexpensive control over your genome, you can fundamentally change the kind of organism you are. You are extending human capacity.
‐‐ George M. Church
If you get yourself in a hole, you dig yourself out.
‐‐ Nick Nolte
If you give a character room to breathe, they come alive.
‐‐ Catherine Keener
If you give a good performance, something that gets some feeling across to people, that's such a rare gift. It's underestimated at this point in history, when the music biz is inevitably turning into a kind of politics.
‐‐ Iggy Pop
If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you'll receive good.
‐‐ Russell Simmons
If you give a hacker a new toy, the first thing he'll do is take it apart to figure out how it works.
‐‐ Jamie Zawinski
If you give a party, you better give it right.
‐‐ Aby Rosen
If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime.
‐‐ Dan Quayle
If you give an actor any wiggle room to whine in situations where they want to whine, you're gonna whine.
‐‐ Emile Hirsch
If you give children the freedom to do very little, quite a lot will do very little.
‐‐ Jasper Fforde
If you give everybody a good government job, there's no crime.
‐‐ Joe Garcia
If you give it good concentration, good energy, good heart and good performance, the song will play you.
‐‐ Levon Helm
If you give me a typewriter and I'm having a good day, I can write a scene that will astonish its readers. That will perhaps make them laugh, perhaps make them cry - that will have some emotional clout to it. It doesn't cost much to do that.
‐‐ Alan Moore
If you give me any problem in America I can trace it down to domestic violence. It is the cradle of most of the problems, economic, psychological, educational.
‐‐ Salma Hayek
If you give me enough time, enough leash, I can become pretty reasonable.
‐‐ Michael Shannon
If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
‐‐ Cardinal Richelieu
If you give me the chance, I'll destroy America for you.
‐‐ John Lydon
If you give me Times Square, I want to give it back to the people.
‐‐ JR
If you give people literacy, bad ideas can be attacked and experiments tried, and lessons will accumulate.
‐‐ Steven Pinker
If you give people nothingness, they can ponder what can be achieved from that nothingness.
‐‐ Tadao Ando
If you give people peanuts, you get monkeys. So if you want good people that are highly qualified, make the amount of money available for them to go out and do the job.
‐‐ Lindsay Fox
If you give people the opportunity to do the right thing, you'll rarely be disappointed.
‐‐ Pierre Omidyar
If you give people unlimited time and money, they'll do things the same old way. But if they have to achieve the goal in a brief time, they'll either give up or try something new.
‐‐ Peter Diamandis
If you give the audience what they want when they want how they want it, they won't steal it.
‐‐ Dana Brunetti
If you give up at the first rejection or the first bad review, you will never make it in publishing.
‐‐ Jane Yolen
If you give us a safe vaccine, we'll use it. It shouldn't be polio versus autism.
‐‐ Jenny McCarthy
If you give what can be taken, you are not really giving. Take what you are given, not what you want to be given. Give what cannot be taken.
‐‐ Idries Shah
If you give, you will be blessed.
‐‐ Joel Osteen
If you give your life as a wholehearted response to love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you.
‐‐ Marianne Williamson
If you give yourself to your task at once, you won't have to do it twice.
‐‐ David Seabury
If you give yourself too much time, you kind of over-obsess about the music. It's not supposed to be like that.
‐‐ Joss Stone
If you go about trying to please everyone, there's going to be endless struggles.
‐‐ Sonny Bill Williams