If competition for Kaggle's top talent becomes fierce enough among banks, insurance companies, hedge funds - we hope the world's best data scientists will earn more than $50 million per year, just like the world's best hedge fund managers. Anthony Goldbloom bankcompanycompetition share on social
You travel with the hope that something unexpected will happen. It has to do with enjoying being lost and figuring it out and the satisfaction. I always get a little disappointed when I know too well where I'm going, or when I've lived in a place so long that there's no chance I could possibly get lost. Andrew Bird chancedisappointenjoy share on social
Your parents are always a big influence on you. They help you make you who you are. The main thing my parents taught me is just to be a nice person - to be generous, kind and happy. I hope it comes off when I work and meet people. Amber Le Bon biggeneroushappy share on social
When I went to the University, the medical school was the only place where one could hope to find the means to study life, its nature, its origins, and its ills. Albert Claude findhopeill Change image and share on social