If younger people see older people who haven't planned ahead and have to rely on charity, the young will be more likely to provide for the future. Today when someone plans poorly, the only consequence people see is a demand for more government. Harry Browne aheadcharityconsequence share on social
Truth is the glue that holds government together. Gerald R. Ford gluegovernmenthold Change image and share on social
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. Gerald R. Ford biggivegovernment Change image and share on social
Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too. Richard M. Nixon dishonestgovernmentlocal Change image and share on social
Our ability to make a decision about the declaration is hampered by the British government being reluctant to give us the clarification which we require. Martin McGuinness abilitybritishclarification Change image and share on social
If the British government is prepared to say that the Unionists will not have a veto over British government policy and that guns, vetoes and injustices will all be left outside the door, then there is no good reason why talks cannot take place in an appropriate atmosphere. Martin McGuinness atmospherebritishdoor share on social
Within loyalism and the UVF, there are clearly people who are not just aggravated by the issue around flags or parades. They're aggravated by me and Sinn Fein being in government. They're opposed to the political institutions - there's an inability of a minority within loyalism to accept the concept of equality. Martin McGuinness acceptaggravateconcept share on social
One hundred years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, the Spanish government issued a decree authorizing the enslavement of the American Indian as in accord with the law of God and man. Nelson A. Miles accordamericanauthorize Change image and share on social
In our Constitution governmental power is divided among three separate branches of the national government, three separate branches of State governments, and the peoples of the several States. branchconstitutiondivide share on social
Too many people, because they were white and poor, black and rich, or just plain busy with something other than politics, have felt they had no voice in our government. Mark Sanford blackbusyfelt Change image and share on social