But the federal government, our collective government, has responsibilities that none of these other levels of government can fulfill; and chief among these is national defense. Don Nickles chiefcollectivedefense Change image and share on social
The average American returning from a trip abroad likely - and understandably - assumes the contents of his or her electronic device does not come close to meeting the threshold of 'criminal' activity, such as would give a government agent the right to seize and peruse their iPad just because they are returning from a vacation. Bob Barr abroadactivityagent share on social
The government should not have the right to force you to participate in some type of behavior that is going to conflict with your conscience rights, and if it does or potentially does, you should have the ability to have access to courts, and currently, that's not necessarily the case. John Fleming abilityaccessbehavior share on social
On economic policy, my support of smaller government, lower taxes and economic reform is consistent with the mainstream of the Republican Party in the United States and with many Democrats as well. John Howard consistentdemocrateconomic Change image and share on social
I traveled the state of Florida for two years campaigning. I have never met a job creator who told me that they were waiting for the next tax increase before they started growing their business. I've never met a single job creator who's ever said to me I can't wait until government raises taxes again so I can go out and create a job. Marco Rubio businesscampaigncreate share on social
I do want to make something clear: SpaceX does have a lot of government business, but we execute in a commercial fashion. Gwynne Shotwell businessclearcommercial Change image and share on social
I've met some smart people doing security work in the government, and they're starting to reach out to a broader audience, which I think is a good thing. Jeff Moss audiencebroadgood Change image and share on social
I know I have a caption that I'm going to use when somebody tells me something I've never heard before. It's very rarely a thought, a philosophy, when somebody says, 'Oh, I don't like cheese' or 'Oh, I think the government should be overthrown,' because so many people share these thoughts. But what people don't share is stories. Brandon Stanton captioncheesegovernment share on social
We don't want the government to have anything we don't have, because government isn't 'We The People' anymore. Carolyn Chute anymoregovernmentpeople Change image and share on social
First, then, State Socialism, which may be described as the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by the government, regardless of individual choice. Benjamin Tucker affairchoicedoctrine Change image and share on social