It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default. J. K. Rowling casecautiouslydefault Change image and share on social
I think he Oswald felt he was a failure and for the United States and for President Kennedy and all of us. He knew he was a failure at everything he tried, frustrated, with a very sad life, but he was a Marxist. John Sherman Cooper failurefeltfrustrate share on social
Not failure, but low aim, is crime. James Russell Lowell aimcrimefailure Change image and share on social
How one handles success or failure is determined by their early childhood. Harold Ramis childhooddetermineearly Change image and share on social
Jobs for every American is doomed to failure because of modern automation and production. We ought to recognize it and create an income-maintenance system so every single American has the dignity and the wherewithal for shelter, basic food, and medical care. I'm talking about welfare for all. Without it, you're going to have warfare for all. Jerry Brown americanautomationbasic share on social
Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach. Roger von Oech approachbenefitfail Change image and share on social
Losing is no disgrace if you've given your best. Jim Palmer disgracehavelose Change image and share on social
In Iraq we must succeed. Failure is not an option. Zbigniew Brzezinski failureiraqoption Change image and share on social
I feel, in the end, as if everything I've done has been a failure. Jonathan Kozol endfailurefeel Change image and share on social
If you have a level of expectation in your life that you have to be a quote-unquote star, whatever that means, you might be setting yourself up for failure. Bryan Cranston expectationfailurelevel Change image and share on social