Our words will either bring life and victory or death and destruction. If we want to be happy, we have to be serious about speaking words of life that line up with God's Word. Joyce Meyer bringdeathdestruction Change image and share on social
There are a lot of little lessons that can be taught around the home without sitting a child down and boring them to death with your philosophy of life! Helen McCrory borechilddeath Change image and share on social
Once the attacks occur, as we learned on Sept. 11, it is too late. It makes little sense to deprive ourselves of an important, and legal, means to detect and prevent terrorist attacks while we are still in the middle of a fight to the death with al Qaeda. John Yoo attackdeathdeprive share on social
I hope I am not too repetitive. However, coming to terms with death is part of the general human situation. Margaret Mahy comedeathgeneral Change image and share on social
We wanted to talk about death in the DC Universe, and how some people go to get a pass and come back, and some people didn't. That opened up a whole other topic about legacy. We wanted to talk about what was required to be a hero, what were the elements of true heroism? Greg Rucka backdeathelement share on social
We don't have real control over death. You could die of a heart attack, a building could fall on you, you could be in an accident, you could have a fatal disease. So, how should you conduct your life? You just go ahead and live, taking reasonable precautions - like handling the mail more carefully. Rudy Giuliani accidentaheadattack share on social
In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing. Robert Green Ingersoll deathhearhope Change image and share on social
I want people who have received a diagnosis of Hepatitis C to know that they didn't just receive a death sentence. They do have options, even if the person who gave them their diagnosis isn't aware of all of them. The path they choose doesn't have to be one of desperation. Melody Beattie awarechoosedeath share on social
The death tax is unfair, inefficient, economically unsound and, frankly, immoral. Jon Kyl deatheconomicallyfrankly Change image and share on social