It is our responsibility as Americans to provide for the families of those who have died to defend our nation. Raising the military death benefit is not a Democrat or Republican issue - it is an American issue. Brian Baird americanbenefitdeath share on social
Fear of death has been the greatest ally of tyranny past and present. Sidney Hook allydeathfear Change image and share on social
If the heart stops for more than two minutes, you have massive brain death. There are only two minutes between our conscious world and zero. That's how fragile our consciousness is. Robin Gibb brainconsciousconsciousness Change image and share on social
No evil is honorable: but death is honorable; therefore death is not evil. Citium Zeno deathevilhonorable Change image and share on social
Justifying conscription to promote the cause of liberty is one of the most bizarre notions ever conceived by man! Forced servitude, with the risk of death and serious injury as a price to live free, makes no sense. Ron Paul bizarreconceiveconscription share on social
It is a little bit surreal to know that you are in your own little spaceship, and a few inches from you is instant death. Scott Kelly bitedeathinch Change image and share on social
I cannot stand superheroes. I do not understand any of its appeal. It has just bored me to death since I was a little kid. Roz Chast appealboredeath Change image and share on social
My father was in terrible pain towards the end because of his bed sores, and he did go into hospice, and I think that was better in some ways. You know, I think his death was peaceful, and it was all right. He was just in terrible pain. Roz Chast beddeathend share on social
The disquieting news of Danny Villanueva's death brought back memories of our time together at KNBC in the early 1970s. Tom Brokaw 1970sbackbring Change image and share on social
Death is not treatment, even if it's medically facilitated. Stella Young deathfacilitatemedically Change image and share on social