I love being a woman. I like dressing up; I love buying shoes. Carly Fiorina buydresslove Change image and share on social
I don't give up on commitments until what I've been asked to do is clearly finished. Carly Fiorina askcommitmentfinish Change image and share on social
I think what's fascinating is how many people are playing in politics who maybe haven't played before. Carly Fiorina fascinatepeopleplay Change image and share on social
Fiscal policy is not just, or even not even principally, the purview of the president. Carly Fiorina fiscalpolicypresident Change image and share on social
When it turns out that you were supposed to be disclosing all these foreign government donations to the Clinton Global Initiative while you were Secretary of State, and you didn't, and now the Clinton Global Initiative is having to restate their 990s, that doesn't sound very trustworthy to me. Carly Fiorina 990sclintondisclose share on social
I think a strong dollar is the result of policies, but I don't think the strong dollar is in and of itself a policy. Carly Fiorina dollarpolicyresult Change image and share on social
You know, Californians care about protecting their environment. So do I. But they also care about that in the context of a healthy economy. Carly Fiorina californiancarecontext Change image and share on social
Women are not all single-issue voters. Carly Fiorina issuesinglevoter Change image and share on social
People have decided that career politicians may be part of the problem, not part of the solution. Carly Fiorina careerdecidepart Change image and share on social