The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. Carl Sandburg friendlonesomemoon Change image and share on social
Where was I going? I puzzled and wondered about it til I actually enjoyed the puzzlement and wondering. Carl Sandburg enjoypuzzlepuzzlement Change image and share on social
Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me. Carl Sandburg lifethingunexpect Change image and share on social
My room for books and study or for sitting and thinking about nothing in particular to see what would happen was at the end of a hall. Carl Sandburg bookendhall Change image and share on social
Shame is the feeling you have when you agree with the woman who loves you that you are the man she thinks you are. Carl Sandburg agreefeltlove Change image and share on social
I fell in love, not deep, but I fell several times and then fell out. Carl Sandburg deepfalllove Change image and share on social
I had been keeping an off eye on the advertising field, thinking I might become an idea man and a copywriter. Carl Sandburg advertisecopywritereye Change image and share on social
The greatest cunning is to have none at all. Carl Sandburg cunninggreat Change image and share on social
Calling it off comes easy enough if you haven't told the girl you are smitten with her. Carl Sandburg calleasygirl Change image and share on social
There was always the consolation that if I didn't like what I wrote I could throw it away or burn it. Carl Sandburg burnconsolationthrow Change image and share on social