I'm not a nostalgic person: I never look back; I always forget. Carine Roitfeld backforgetnostalgic Change image and share on social
Ballet is good, because it makes you stand up tall. Carine Roitfeld balletgoodmake Change image and share on social
When you go to a show, Americans in New York are very proper, much more so than the French. Everything is perfect. Their hair, the nails, everything. The look. Everything is perfection. Carine Roitfeld americanfrenchhair Change image and share on social
Here in France, I've seen some very good young designers, but they don't have this ability to be good businessmen, too. I think America gives you this. Carine Roitfeld abilityamericabusinessman Change image and share on social
Coco Chanel was always doing things with ballet, so it is a tradition clashing fashion and ballet. Carine Roitfeld balletchanelclash Change image and share on social
My hair and make-up secret is 'the messier the better.' Carine Roitfeld hairmakemessy Change image and share on social
I like to surprise people. I try to take risks. Carine Roitfeld peoplerisksurprise Change image and share on social
The fashion industry certainly has its obscene sides. The cost of a coat can be obscene. So can the cost of a photo shoot if you're working with a really good photographer. Carine Roitfeld coatcostfashion Change image and share on social