When I first started modeling, they used to bleach my eyebrows all the time. Cara Delevingne bleacheyebrowmodele Change image and share on social
I'm a world class Beat Boxer; you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth. Cara Delevingne beatboxerclass Change image and share on social
As a model, I really stand for not being a model, if that makes sense. When I started, the whole idea of the model was very different; it was a bit stuck-up. Not stuck-up, but no one was trying to have fun, or not even have fun, but be willing to smile. Cara Delevingne bitefunidea share on social
I love talking to my friends at uni and seeing what they are doing. They're just finishing their dissertations, and I kind of wish I could live their life for a second. I wish my school days could have dragged on a little longer, or that I could go back and do it later in life. Cara Delevingne backdaydissertation share on social
I like fashion, but I love, love, love music and film; they are my two passions. I would love to pursue my acting and my love of music more than anything. Cara Delevingne actfashionfilm Change image and share on social
Singing, writing songs, is kind of my biggest fear, but it's the thing I feel I need to conquer. Cara Delevingne bigconquerfear Change image and share on social
If I am able to carry on modeling, I'll be very happy to, but my passion is definitely in music and acting. I would love to do what Meryl Streep is doing. Her or Judi Dench, or maybe Charlize Theron as well. Cara Delevingne actcarrycharlize share on social
When I was really small, my mother had difficulty keeping me dressed, as I liked to be naked! I definitely had very strong ideas on what I wanted to wear. My favourite look was always Action Man and Spiderman. Now though, I really like beautiful clothes. Cara Delevingne actionbeautifulclothe share on social
I wish my school days could have dragged on a little longer, or that I could go back and do it later in life. Cara Delevingne backdaydrag Change image and share on social