I am a big car enthusiast. I totally understand guys like Jay Leno who have a thousand cars. But asking me my favorite car would be like asking my favorite song or favorite food - it changes everyday. Casey James bigcarenthusiast Change image and share on social
If you saw a dog going to be crushed under a car, wouldn't you help him? Oskar Schindler carcrushdog Change image and share on social
We realized you cannot create a car by simply gathering needed components. Li Shufu carcomponentcreate Change image and share on social
I like to sing in the car with the windows rolled down and hair blowing all over my face. Lauren Alaina blowcarface Change image and share on social
Growing up in the Midwest, people don't drive Porsches and Ferraris. They drive Fords and Chevys. And so even if you have the opportunity to buy a more expensive car, it doesn't occur to you because it's not what you relate to. Luke Perry buycarchevy share on social
I love everything from old-school cars to whatever the latest muscle or luxury vehicles are. Ludacris carlatelove Change image and share on social
Switching over to a hybrid car is one of those right things, but, unfairly or not, it still has a reputation among car enthusiasts as something you have to pedal really fast when you're on the ramp merging into traffic on the 401. Linwood Barclay carenthusiastfast share on social
We are able to use technology to make it clear that someone's car is available or a room in a home is accessible; that there is an available desk in an office someplace. Lisa Gansky accessiblecarclear Change image and share on social
I enjoy trying to develop a car and Mercedes are one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. Lewis Hamilton bigcardevelop Change image and share on social
My definition of a redundancy is an air-bag in a politician's car. Larry Hagman airbagcar Change image and share on social