Everything officers go through in any chase anywhere in the country, but amped up 100 times! I'm right in the thick of things in a car going like 80 miles an hour, and doing 360s in the middle of the road. It was a wild ride. Amy Weber 360sampedcar share on social
I wanted to be a race car driver when I was a kid. Alfie Allen cardriverkid Change image and share on social
I don't drive around London much. Any journey around Islington involves hundreds of speed bumps that seem to tear the bottom of your car off. Alan Davies bottombumpcar Change image and share on social
I don't have a car in Manhattan because you have to choose between a car and an apartment. It's that expensive. Adam Ferrara apartmentcarchoose Change image and share on social
In Brussels, you are able to have a lot of appointments in a day. In Paris, you can have one, two, maybe three, but you spend all your time on the road, in the car or in the suburbs. In Brussels, everything is easy. It's not a very big city, and the people are very quiet and warm. Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt appointmentbigbrussels share on social
The same things we've done the past couple of seasons. We've worked on the engine and clutch. We'll try and pick up the performance and consistency of the car and go back out there. Larry Dixon backcarclutch Change image and share on social
When I was four, I just wanted to drive, I collected toy cars. Where does that sort of thing come from? In hindsight you go, 'Oh, liked it because of this.' Maybe it's just the wheel. Michael Fassbender carcollectdrive Change image and share on social
Lyft treats people better than competition. So whether that's drivers or passengers, that goes into the car experience. That's why more and more people are choosing Lyft. John Zimmer carchoosecompetition Change image and share on social
Maybe our best family trip started at Victoria Falls, which drenches you with spray and is so vast that it makes Niagara Falls seem like a backyard creek. Then we rented a car and made our way to Hwange National Park, which was empty of people but crowded with zebras, giraffes, elephants and more. Nicholas Kristof backyardcarcreek share on social