Women feel like we're fat if we can't wear the clothes we wore in high school. Men, in contrast, only start to feel fat only when they can no longer fit into a foreign car. Gina Barreca carclothecontrast Change image and share on social
One summer, when I was a kid, I was in the car with my stepfather, and he was asking me where I thought I ranked, on a scale of 1 to 10. I said, '6,' and he said, '3.' I think it was his way of telling me that I needed to get out and really attack life. Jim Rash attackcarkid share on social
I'm starting to think about things that I want to do, things that are fun. One of them is driving a car like a Porsche. I've driven a lot of cars - sedans, trucks and big family vehicles all year long. But there's nothing like a four-wheel-drive Porsche. Kevin O'Leary bigcardrive share on social
I drive a car that has pleather seats. Kathy Freston cardrivepleather Change image and share on social
I don't want to be in my car all day. I love getting up in the morning in Venice and walking my dogs down to the cafe to get my tea, and then perhaps going to a bookstore and sitting and reading, then walking to the beach. Jessica Chastain beachbookstorecafe share on social
I drive the car pool - I show up with no makeup and drive the kids to school. Jane Clayson cardrivekid Change image and share on social
I love the practicality of a good car. You know what I mean? And when I say 'practicality,' I mean the complete practicality of a Ferrari 458, a wonderfully fantastic every day car. Hunter Hayes carcompleteday Change image and share on social
I'm someone who's always on the go and crazy busy, so I like to keep snacks in my car and at the office, and Cracker Jack'd is a really yummy snack that I love. I definitely am a big snacker. Ashley Tisdale bigbusycar Change image and share on social
When I was 19 years old, both of my parents died in the same year; my mom of cancer and my dad in a car accident. Through the next two or three years and a series of bad decisions - all my own, I might add - I ended up literally homeless, before that was even a word. I even slept occasionally under a pier on the Gulf Coast. Andy Andrews accidentaddbad share on social