We believe that there are many buyers who want a stylish, sporty car that sends a positive message about their concern for the environment as they drive it down the street. Henrik Fisker buyercarconcern Change image and share on social
Any car designer always dreams about designing their own car - if they say they don't, they're lying... For me, it was never about starting my own company just to make another car. Henrik Fisker carcompanydesign Change image and share on social
At a European auto show, I had someone from a German car company come up to me and say the Karma should cost $125,000, not $87,900, but our development process lets us lower the costs. I guarantee it's profitable. Henrik Fisker 000autocar share on social
My sister has kids, including two in baby seats, and she drives a minivan. I had to climb over the car seats to get into the back seat, and it seemed ridiculous to have to do gymnastics to get in and out of the car. Franz von Holzhausen babybackcar share on social
I love doing all of my own stunts. Anything. Even if they are telling me, 'No, no, no! You can't do that!' I'll do it. Like crashing my car through the gate, climbing up the building, kicking in a window... I love doing all of that stuff. Christa Campbell buildcarclimb share on social
I grew up in Bedford, N.Y., and it was close enough to Jones Beach on Long Island that every summer my mother would pack the car for the day, and we would drive to the beach! Marissa Jaret Winokur beachbedfordcar Change image and share on social
The problem is Twitter is designing the metaphorical equivalent of a Toyota Prius. A car for the masses. While I want a Formula One race car. Robert Scoble cardesignequivalent Change image and share on social
Both Indy Car and Formula 1 work in the same way, although there is a greater emphasis on development and technology in Formula 1. Jacques Villeneuve cardevelopmentemphasis Change image and share on social
There's an unseen force which lets birds know when you've just washed your car. Denis Norden birdcarforce Change image and share on social
Those youngsters go out there and set a record and clinch the pole position. But what do you do if you wreck your car. That record doesn't spend too well. Buck Baker carclinchpole Change image and share on social