'Esquire Magazine' just gave me 'Father of the Year'. I'll put it right up there with my gold medal. I survived; that's why they gave it to me. Caitlyn Jenner esquirefathergive Change image and share on social
I am not a spokesperson for the trans community, I am not. The media kind of projects me as being the spokesperson, but from my standpoint, I am not. I am a spokesperson for my story, and that's all I can tell. Caitlyn Jenner communitykindmedium share on social
Trans people deserve something vital; they deserve your respect. From that respect comes a more compassionate community. Caitlyn Jenner communitycompassionatedeserve Change image and share on social
It caused more problems as a young kid, because the simple process of perceiving words on a piece of paper was hard for me. Many people think dyslexic people see things backwards. They don't see things backwards. Caitlyn Jenner backwardscausedyslexic share on social
If I were to compare the Olympic decathlon to fatherhood, I would say fatherhood is a lot tougher. Caitlyn Jenner comparedecathlonfatherhood Change image and share on social
Anti-inflammatories always seemed to work well for my joints, but the problem was you couldn't take them all the time. Caitlyn Jenner antiinflammatoriesjoint Change image and share on social
I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't. Caitlyn Jenner athletebusinessmanhard share on social
So many people go through life, and they never deal with their own issues, no matter what the issues are - ours happen to be gender identity. But, how many people go through life and just waste an entire life 'cause they'd never deal with themselves to be who they are. Caitlyn Jenner dealentiregender share on social
Gamble, cheat, lie, and steal. Let me explain: Gamble for your best shot in life - dare to take risks. Cheat those who would have you be less than you are. Lie in the arms of those you love. And finally, steal every moment of happiness. Caitlyn Jenner armcheatdare share on social
If you are dyslexic, your eyes work fine, your brain works fine, but there is a little short circuit in the wire that goes between the eye and the brain. Reading is not a fluid process. Caitlyn Jenner braincircuitdyslexic Change image and share on social