The only two shows I watch are 'Walking Dead' and 'Nashville,' but both just went off the air for a couple of months, so I feel like I have to be productive because I'm not sitting around waiting for the next episode of zombies or mainstream country music. Caitlin Rose aircountrycouple share on social
'Gorilla Man' is a composite of a few individuals, but the song itself was actually inspired by James Taylor. I spied his 'Gorilla' album laying on my floor and in some altered state, instantly started singing the chorus. It was fun to write. There's an old notebook with at least three more verses in it somewhere. Caitlin Rose albumalterchorus share on social
If I'm singing something I don't like, it literally feels like stepping on nails. Caitlin Rose feltliterallynail Change image and share on social
It wasn't my dream to make music. It was just something I ended up doing, and no one said stop. Caitlin Rose dreamendmake Change image and share on social
I get my gossip from 'Nashville' on ABC. Caitlin Rose abcgossipnashville Change image and share on social
I had an indie pop phase, I had just about every phase you could think of. Caitlin Rose indiephasepop Change image and share on social