Today, in American imperialism, the commodity has reached its most grandiose historical manifestation. C. L. R. James americancommoditygrandiose Change image and share on social
I must say the idea of a United Africa was nonsense. C. L. R. James africaideanonsense Change image and share on social
Du Bois marked a great stage in the history of Negro struggles when he said that Negroes could no longer accept the subordination which Booker T. Washington had preached. C. L. R. James acceptboisbooker Change image and share on social
I may as well say it, I have been married three times. C. L. R. James marrytime Change image and share on social
The antagonisms between men and women express themselves in the most delicate phase of their life together - in their sexual relationship. C. L. R. James antagonismdelicateexpress Change image and share on social
In World War II the hostility and the exasperation resulting from the statification of the economy and the strain of the war have been directed as much against the government as against private capital. C. L. R. James capitaldirecteconomy share on social
The home stands in contrast to all other capitalist institutions as the last stronghold of pre-capitalist isolation. C. L. R. James capitalistcontrasthome Change image and share on social
I had formed a black movement, so I would speak for the Trotskyist movement and then walk about a hundred yards to where the black movement was speaking. C. L. R. James blackformhundred Change image and share on social
The most striking development of the great depression of 1929 is a profound skepticism of the future of contemporary society among large sections of the American people. C. L. R. James americancontemporarydepression Change image and share on social
It is over one hundred years since the abolition of slavery. The Negro people in the United States have taken plenty and they have reached a stage where they have decided that they are not going to take any more. C. L. R. James abolitiondecidehundred share on social