No matter the nationality, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background, America brings out the best in people. Arnold Schwarzenegger americabackgroundbring Change image and share on social
A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it. Alistair Cooke feelprofessionalwork Change image and share on social
Dartmouth represented a great opportunity. I wanted to go to the best possible school I could go to. Aisha Tyler dartmouthgreatopportunity Change image and share on social
I think it's important to have flexibility to work wherever is best for you. I actually encourage people to work at the cafe - or from home or wherever works best for them. Anne Wojcicki cafeencourageflexibility Change image and share on social
I've had some of the best and most traumatizing experiences at NBC. Ashleigh Banfield experiencehavenbc Change image and share on social
There are teachers' unions around the country realizing they want to improve standards of the profession, improve the quality of their profession, and ultimately attract the best and the brightest to their profession. The vast majority of teachers are dedicated and committed. Antonio Villaraigosa attractbrightcommit share on social
All countries have poor people. Yet it's a very rare country which understands the indignities of poverty, while education systems maintain the status quo. The children of the elite go to the best schools and get the best jobs, not because they are the best. We're not taking advantage of the intellectual power on this planet. Ann Cotton advantagechildcountry share on social
Game creators aren't necessarily all sitting around twirling their nefarious-looking mustaches while consciously trying to figure out how to best misrepresent women as part of some grand conspiracy. Most probably just haven't given much thought to the underlying messages their games are sending. Anita Sarkeesian consciouslyconspiracycreator share on social
One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best. Alan Shearer accusationhavethrow Change image and share on social
People love pretty much the same things best. A writer looking for subjects inquires not after what he loves best, but after what he alone loves at all. Annie Dillard inquirelovepeople Change image and share on social