I love when violent, dangerous art is done by people who are not violent and dangerous. I love that when George Romero was making 'Dawn of the Dead,' he was coaching his son's little league team. Penn Jillette artcoachdangerous Change image and share on social
The history of modern art is also the history of the progressive loss of art's audience. Art has increasingly become the concern of the artist and the bafflement of the public. Paul Gauguin artartistaudience Change image and share on social
Art is either plagiarism or revolution. Paul Gauguin artplagiarismrevolution Change image and share on social
Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty? Paul Gauguin artbeautyphilosophy Change image and share on social
I am an artisan. I only became an artist when people watch what I do. That is when it becomes art. Rhys Ifans artartisanartist Change image and share on social
The purpose of art actually is, in many cases, to make you feel quite uncomfortable. Or at least to go to that place that's already of discomfort inside of you and tap into that. Michael Moore artcasediscomfort Change image and share on social
Songwriting is a mysterious art. When I sit down to write a song, the end result should be mysterious and have this dark quality. Martin Gore artdarkend Change image and share on social
I was born in a world of opera, theatre, films, poetry, art, and therefore, out of the wire, I made a stage. That's why they call me a high wire artist. Philippe Petit artartistbear Change image and share on social
Art is maybe a subversive activity. There is a certain rebellion when you are an artist at heart, even if only in the art of living. Philippe Petit activityartartist Change image and share on social
I was in art school once a week from six to 16, which was essential in shaping my artistic sensitivity. Philippe Petit artartisticessential Change image and share on social