Artists rarely do the same thing over and over again. Art is about the new, doing things in a new way. Eli Broad artartistrarely Change image and share on social
At culinary school, none of the things we use to define ourselves outside that world - actor, producer, student - none of that matters. It's a magical art form. Eric Christian Olsen actorartculinary Change image and share on social
Reading is an art form, and every man can be an artist. Edwin Louis Cole artartistform Change image and share on social
My kids have grown up knowing that their mom made a big investment in making sure there was art and language instruction in school and books in the library. Hopefully, they've internalized that. Elise Broach artbigbook Change image and share on social
Writing, more than any other art, is indexed to the worthiness of the self because it is identified in people's minds with emotion. Rachel Cusk artemotionidentify Change image and share on social
Good art is art that allows you to enter it from a variety of angles and to emerge with a variety of views. Mary Schmich angleartemerge Change image and share on social
'Buncha Losers' comedy is one of those homegrown American art forms, up there with infomercials and Elvis-shaped soap carvings. No other civilization could have invented it. The French took a stab with Sartre's 'No Exit,' but then they had to ruin it with a lesson at the end. Rob Sheffield americanartbuncha share on social
I've been at this for a while, and to a very real extent, you look at cover art with the same sort of expectation you have for playing slot machines in Vegas. That is to say, you hope to break even and promise yourself not to flinch when all you get is the same sort of mix of fruit that you get in a cup of generic fruit cocktail. James A. Moore artbreakcocktail share on social
You can't do sketches enough. Sketch everything and keep your curiosity fresh. John Singer Sargent curiosityfreshsketch Change image and share on social
My focus is my art, and that's what I love to do. I have to be really passionate in order to do something. I've turned down many things that I just didn't believe in. Beyonce Knowles artfocushave Change image and share on social