My greatest sense of accomplishment has come from having two amazing sons, but it's also a paradox in that the times when I felt like the biggest failure have been times when I felt like, as a parent, I wasn't making the right decisions or succeeding in the way that I should. Michael Franti accomplishmentamazebig share on social
I knew there were all kinds of interesting things going on at Google, but now that I've seen them, my mind has been blown - in a great way. They have all these amazing projects and people that the world doesn't know anything about. I'm like a kid in a candy store - it's an idea factory. Tony Fadell amazeblowcandy share on social
I think probably one of the coolest things was when I went to play basketball at Rucker Park in Harlem. First of all, who would think that Larry the Cable Guy would go to Harlem to play basketball? And I was received like a rock star. It was amazing! There were people everywhere. There were guys walking by yelling, 'Git 'r done!' Larry the Cable Guy amazebasketballcable share on social
I love Ben Affleck so much. He's an amazing director. Taylor Schilling affleckamazeben Change image and share on social
When you are a kid, a wolf is an amazing sight, so sumptuous. I sort of knew these were splendid creatures, that I was not going to find them outside roaming around. It was like a dog, but not a dog. It was incredible, a god! Sarah Hall amazecreaturedog share on social
It's kind of amazing that people will travel because of a book. I admire that. Frances Mayes admireamazebook Change image and share on social
There were two things going on: 1) I had already established in my own mind where I wanted to go with the next series, and having James around as a Grey Eminence would have complicated matters. He had had an amazing life and it was time to bid him good-bye. Raymond E. Feist amazebidbye share on social
It's the most amazing cast, a dream cast. We laugh all the time. Nicole Sullivan amazecastdream Change image and share on social
I like 'Guys and Dolls,' 'Singin' in the Rain' and 'A Star Is Born.' When it works, a musical is an amazing thing. But it rarely works. John Carney amazebeardoll Change image and share on social
Being in an area of the planet where scientists believe mankind started is quite amazing. Jan de Bont amazeareamankind Change image and share on social