Even in the presence of others he was completely alone. Robert M. Pirsig completelypresence Change image and share on social
Terror can never be defeated by force alone. Charles Kennedy defeatforceterror Change image and share on social
I never feel more alone than when I'm traveling. Alone and, to some extent, helpless. The world expects a certain level of competence and can be merciless when this expectation is unmet. Philip Schultz competenceexpectexpectation Change image and share on social
Some players you pat their butts, some players you kick their butts, some players you leave alone. Pete Rose buttkickleave Change image and share on social
Don't ever let economic alone determine your career or how you spend the majority of your time. Denis Waitley careerdetermineeconomic Change image and share on social
When push comes to shove, people vote alone. Meles Zenawi peoplepushshove Change image and share on social
Writing music and lyrics, you tend to become a control freak - sitting alone in your room with a bare light bulb over your head, writing communist manifestos. Jason Robert Brown barebulbcommunist Change image and share on social
It is not the soul alone that should be healthy; if the mind is healthy in a healthy body, all will be healthy and much better prepared to give God greater service. Saint Ignatius bodygivegod Change image and share on social
In any case, his judgment and set of values, acting alone or through his assistants, determine not only what is gold and what is dross but the design of the history which he creates out of the metal. The historian decides what is significant, and what is not. Samuel E. Morison actassistantcase share on social
The only people who like to live alone more than comics are priests. Colin Quinn comiclivepeople Change image and share on social