He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor. Venerable Bede creatorlovemanifest Change image and share on social
I am inclined to think that eating is a private thing and should be done alone, like other bodily functions. Sylvia Ashton-Warner bodilyeatfunction Change image and share on social
'The Creative Habit' is basically about how you work alone, how you survive as a solitary artist. 'The Collaborative Habit' is obviously about surviving with other people. Twyla Tharp artistbasicallycollaborative Change image and share on social
As freak legislation, the antitrust laws stand alone. Nobody knows what it is they forbid. Isabel Paterson antitrustforbidfreak Change image and share on social
Taste is the fundamental quality which sums up all the other qualities. It is the nec plus ultra of the intelligence. Through this alone is genius the supreme health and balance of all the faculties. Comte de Lautreamont balancefacultyfundamental Change image and share on social
Chance alone is at the source of all novelty, all creation in the biosphere. Jacques Monod biospherechancecreation Change image and share on social
Of those beings who live in ignorance, shut up and confined, as it were, in an egg, I have first broken the eggshell of ignorance and alone in the universe obtained the most exalted, universal Buddhahood. Buddha beingbreakbuddhahood share on social
I don't like dirty. That's why I hate cigarettes. A little bit of alcohol is O.K., but no drugs. And I like to sleep alone because I wake up, I walk around, I bring my computer with me to bed, I have a great time. Jean Pigozzi alcoholbedbite share on social
I used to do a lot of interviews in the early '80s, when my career started, but it came to a point when I decided I didn't want to talk anymore, and people kind of understood that and left me alone. George Strait 80sanymorecareer Change image and share on social
It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely. Albert Einstein lonelystrangeuniversally Change image and share on social